tips on card to impossible location

Jan 20, 2015
Any hints where i can learn some card to impossible location effects, i like the card to lemon but is there a way for it with a signed card instead of a ripped corner?


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Here is the index that can get you to whatever "Card to ...." effect you can imagine:

For a signed card to lemon, you will need to learn the Mercury Card Fold, Bannon's Creased Lightning or Tommy Wonder's Two Second Card Fold and a billet switch or shuttle pass. Personally, I would use an orange because they are larger. PM me if you have questions.

There also is a great L&L DVD on Bill in Lemon that I think has a card to lemon effect. I don't remember if it was a signed card -- I'd have to watch it again. I remember that Doc Eason's Bill in Lemon was a signed bill.

One final note, the torn corner is a great convincer for lay audiences. It doesn't fool magicians, but it fools audiences. Heck, I do a card to impossible location with an unsigned and untorn card and the audience is convinced.
Dec 29, 2011
There are countless cards to wallet/pockets around. Also card to window is a classic, doesn't count unless its on the other side though!
Dec 29, 2011
I've never learned the specific version, but I hear a lot of ranting about Madison's Angle Zero

Oh yes, hes lucky to be attributed to such a simple and effective method. Impact depends almost exclusively on presentation, however neglecting this fact I think Angle Zero easily has the highest impact per its simplicity, ease and cleanliness. It makes reputations.
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