Tivo 2.0

James Wise Magic

Elite Member
Dec 28, 2007
damn kid.
you got some skills.

I'm not gonna lie to you, when you said you were a beginning, I expected it to not be good at all, but you proved me wrong man!

Probably the only thing I can say at the end, when you reveal the card in the center, hold the cards more together, you flashed a little.

but other than that! Nice man!

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Not bad, you've got the basic moves down, it looks like you just need to get used to the routine more. Nothing's bad, but it's not smooth in a few areas:

0:15 - Replacing the double. Your turnover was very tentative, almost like you were on the verge of losing control for a split second. Your fingers don't have to actually physically drop the cards all the way onto the deck, just let it go and it shouldn't split.

0:18 - Make sure you can push a card into the deck in one motion! It's a silly thing, but you'd be surprised how many magicians don't practice things like how to put a deck into a card box. Use your thumb to open up a break if you wish.

0:20 - Picking up the double. You've got time, and nothing needs to be kept into place really so you can pick the double up smoothly.

0:26 - Lots of unnecessary hand movements. Nothing's been happening, but for about 5 seconds your fingers are just moving and fidgeting.
Sep 1, 2007
I posted a general comment on your youtube page as a "random person" but I totally agree with Praetoritevong on what he's saying. Too much unnecessary movement and fidgeting.
Sep 1, 2007
By the way, I just noticed you stated that "I'm a beginner." In that case, I ask WHY ON EARTH are you wasting your time with this silly color change. It's not like you're going to go out and singly perform this for someone, i HOPE? Your time is spent 10x better by reading a good book like "strong Magic" by Darwin Ortiz or something like that, which will at least give you real life tips and training for routining effects etc. That's WAY more valuable than this effect, but sure, feel free to do it. I'm just saying that I saw the "improvements" that praetoritevong suggested and I noticed you were a beginner. This ALSO spurred the thought that the "problems" with your video could be easily fixed if you learn each individual sleight and it's nuances better. I suggest you study more in depth on sleights, especially the color changing ones, if you're into that kind of stuff. Just my honest opinion, but I think this stuff is a waste to perform. You're better off performing Lit or Greed, even some other "miraculous" effect that at least has routining and crescendo effect.
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