Tivo from sleightly magical

stop posting videos, man! its really annoying!! you dont need any help, so just stop! weve tried to tell you for like, a while man, but no! you post video after video! work on one routine, perfect it, then film! my 3 cents.

Jan 10, 2009
new jersey
DO NOT STOP posting videos, this place is for constructive criticism. Keep it up( the practice) And remember always keep them wondering

Klif Da'rrell
Jan 4, 2009
First of all, that is not the Tivo taught in Sleightly Magical, I dont know if you own it but I do and I am sure that isn't in sleightly magical. That is Tony Chang's handling/version ... There's nothing wrong about posting videos but practice (A LOT) before posting a video.

I dont know what else to say.
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