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Dec 1, 2007
Long BEACH, New York
Wayne and Danny or anybody else On superbowl sunday at 12 noon there is this thing called the polar bear swim People jump into the freezing cold water to raise money for the make a wish foundation. I live in Long Beach, New York. I know it is really far away but it would be very nice.

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Wayne and Danny or anybody else On superbowl sunday at 12 noon there is this thing called the polar bear swim People jump into the freezing cold water to raise money for the make a wish foundation. I live in Long Beach, New York. I know it is really far away but it would be so good and so nice.



Sorry not to be rude but, I have no idea what you said. I only caught that there is going to be a Polar Bear Swim and it will be "good & nice".

Are you asking if some of the staff members could go? Because reading it, I'm not really sure.

Nov 22, 2007
You're asking a professional magician to jump in freezing water for charity? What an odd request.

On the other hand, I would pay hundreds just to see Wayne jump into cold water. And I would film it.
Sep 1, 2007
Hong Kong
timft , you are kind of selfish for asking Wayne or Danny for the fundraising. Not many people outside theory11/ magic really know who they are. If you truly want to make a difference, why don't you ask Tom Cruise for the polar bear swim?
Dec 1, 2007
Long BEACH, New York
timft , you are kind of selfish for asking Wayne or Danny for the fundraising. Not many people outside theory11/ magic really know who they are. If you truly want to make a difference, why don't you ask Tom Cruise for the polar bear swim?

I am not selfish i just said it would be nice if he or anybody would come its not for me but for a good cause maybe i will ask tom cruise
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