Top Shot Problem

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
Well i've managed to get the shot pretty good but the only thing is, when i do the shot, it spins 360 degrees in the air and lands face down in my other hand. I want it to land face up. Is there anyways to decrease the spin of the card? Thanks!
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hey man. Good job on getting the shot down, it's a muthaa!

I hit it with the first joint of my pinky rather than the pad of the first phalange, which drags it off at a flatter tangent. This will reduce the 'flip' so to speak.

Also, try jerking at the wrist at the same time, the downward movemwnt sort of counteracts the flip.

Hope this helps dude!

May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
The top shot... what a annoying little piece of brilliance...
I learnt it from one of my friends originally and then looked at Lennart Green's Green Magic DVDs.
Many people have different ways of doing and what not, but its around the same thing.
I hold it tight with the index and thumb at the top corners.
The end of the last phalanx's pad of the pinky contacts the bottom right corner.
It pulls down sharply causing the card to spin out.
this is what i do
the thumb and index prevents any chunks or what not flying out as well.
it should flip face up first then continue towards the right, spinning.
im not really quite sure how u can make ures land face down...
ah well...
practice practice practice... doesnt really make perfect if you got the wrong technique down.
Sep 1, 2007
Since when such detailed descriptions of published moves have been allowed here?

Check your technique. The card is not supposed to be flipping any more than the 180 dergrees at the beginning. After that it should fly and spin flat like a pirouette.
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