Trick deck difference?

Oct 8, 2007
I was wondering if there is a difference between a stripper deck and a tapered deck? And also, how long does it take to see a video in the media section?

Sep 2, 2007
A tapered deck is another name for the stripper deck -- there is no difference.

In regards to the media submission, there is no set time for how long it takes to be posted. However, you can check if your submission is still in the queue --

If it is not there, it means that either it was not accepted, as, due to the high volume of submissions, only the best of the best videos are accepted, or has been moved out of the submissions queue, but has not been posted in the media section.

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Sep 10, 2007
Sacramento, CA
There are 2 (maybe even a 3rd I probably don't know about) kinds of tapered decks. Stripper, which has the taper on the long side. and a Svengali, which has it on the end or belly of the deck.
There are 2 (maybe even a 3rd I probably don't know about) kinds of tapered decks. Stripper, which has the taper on the long side. and a Svengali, which has it on the end or belly of the deck.

True but a "Tapered Deck" (sold under that name) is a Stripper.

PS. Big Blind Magic Media has a dvd all on the stripper and effects with it... comes with a deck too...
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