Tutorial forum?

This might sound a little weird, and take it or leave it.
On decknique they have a lourish tutorial section for stuff people made up,
I think t11 should do the same thing, but with tricks.

People should get their stuff out there, but mods would have a hard time making sure it's not someone elses stuff.
Jul 14, 2008
I agreed with Shanku, I don't mind if Theory11 post up cardistry tutorial, but if they post up magic tutorial, it would create a huge problem for it.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
There's not enough supply to warrant such a forum, in my opinion. I've seen very few tutorials as it is in terms of cardistry, and just about everything here is also somewhere else, usually before. In terms of magic tutorials - as well as obvious crediting, ownership, and other miscellaneous moderating issues... I don't really see people submitting enough, and enough good material - just my thoughts..
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