Two Stunning Effects

Nov 26, 2009
I have two effects but I am having trouble trying to get them out there. Check these videos out and you will see for yourself.

The first video is a bill change kind of effect: <------ AKA "Let's Face It"

The second effect is a coin/bill/and etc... appear that has never been done and it could be done literally naked face to face while being inspected. <----AKA "Naked"

Please give me any feedback you have and any recommendations to how I could possibly get these tricks out there.

Sep 6, 2009
First one: Pretty good, although I didn't get to see the 5 long enough, and it was only a small part of it. I'd stick to the Koslowski bill switch. It was visual, though.

Second one: 5/5. That **** was awesome! I'm interested in it, let me know if it's published!
HAHA for the first one i thought it changed from a one to a twenty as I'm not familiar with US bills and there was quite a bit of folding and mucking around which made it look funny but all up I thought it was good, just wish we could do switches like that with our currency.
The second one was awesome, it looked really clean!
Nov 26, 2009
The dollar changing trick...

I will upload another video tomorrow of this trick. The lighting was bad when I did it. I will go slower and make sure the lighting is improved.

One thing you should know though: When the one whips back around from covering Washington it is the back of the five dollar bill that shows and goes around and back behind the Lincoln face.

I need your help to get these tricks out there, I have been trying everything but that does not seem to be working.

Thanks again,
Peter Filak
Nov 26, 2009
Let's Face It Storyline

I have developed a storyline for this trick and it helps move the changing right along.

The first change from Washington to Lincoln
-Before covering up the frame of Washington's face, I ask: "Does anyone know how he died, anybody?" He died of pneumonia because he was out in the cold for way too long. So let's see if we can warm him back to life. So I wrap the one dollar bill over him like it was a blanket.

Next: Lincoln to Hamilton
-Will Washington died and many years later we had this guy as president. I know you know who he is but do * you know how he died.

* That is when the change begins.

That's right, he was shot in the back of the head. This explains the 180 change that occurs.

Next: Hamilton back to the full Washington

-Many people do not know the man on this bill or what he was known for. Hamilton was a treasurer. But I use the fact that little people know little about him to bring back the full washington.

-I say something like: "Little people know about Hamilton * but the guy on this bill (Washington) is one of the most known faces on money anywhere.

* change back to the full Washington occurs.
I have developed a storyline for this trick and it helps move the changing right along.

The first change from Washington to Lincoln
-Before covering up the frame of Washington's face, I ask: "Does anyone know how he died, anybody?" He died of pneumonia because he was out in the cold for way too long. So let's see if we can warm him back to life. So I wrap the one dollar bill over him like it was a blanket.

Next: Lincoln to Hamilton
-Will Washington died and many years later we had this guy as president. I know you know who he is but do * you know how he died.

* That is when the change begins.

That's right, he was shot in the back of the head. This explains the 180 change that occurs.

Next: Hamilton back to the full Washington

-Many people do not know the man on this bill or what he was known for. Hamilton was a treasurer. But I use the fact that little people know little about him to bring back the full washington.

-I say something like: "Little people know about Hamilton * but the guy on this bill (Washington) is one of the most known faces on money anywhere.

* change back to the full Washington occurs.
Perfect. Patter is great, matches up with the effect. You're crazy to want to put this out into the public eye, only to be mutalated by the you-n00bers. But I can see why you want to. It seems to be well thought out, and would seem to be quite the fascinating piece for the layman.

Well done... Very well done. Something pure like this comes along very rarely, let alone a video (or 2!) to back up the story. I'd refine it, work it, and make sure you can perform it flawlessly so that when the time to show for publication does come it will be a done deal.

All the best,
Nov 26, 2009
Let's Face It & Naked

I came up with these two tricks in the last two weeks and before this I had no thoughts or interest in creating magic. I was a magic hobbyist on the side. And when I say "on the side" I mean ON THE SIDE. In other words, I would have times where I would do magic for a couple of weeks and then not again for months. But now I have developed a greater interest in this art. One night, I don't know what sparked the interest, but I sat down and thought about creating some magic. That first night, I came up with "Let's Face It" in its unrefined form and made the minor adjustments in the following days.

"Naked" took a little longer, about a week and a half, to get to where I was more than satisfied with it.

Overall, these affects may be young, but I feel they have matured greatly in this very short time. I have other ideas in progress and you will be seeing them up in the forums soon. Right now I am focusing on getting my first two initial tricks out there and I will see where that takes me.
Sep 7, 2008
What do you mean by "getting my first two initial tricks out there"? Are you trying to release these effects to the magic community?
Nov 26, 2009

I appreciate your response. For the most part, I understand what you are saying/recommending, but I know I have successfully taken these effects to the next level. I have worked very hard in this little time to make these effects the way they are now. Some tricks take years to develop, but sometimes we come upon something so pure or natural that it works the way it is. "If it is not broken, then don't fix it". It had some minor fixes that needed to be worked out and I did just that.

So yes, I am trying to get these effects out to the magic community. I do not understand why you think these effects are not ready. Is it because I have developed them in such a short amount of time? Seconds and minutes adding up behind an effect do not adequately determine the state of an effect, it is you yourself that determine the state of an effect. Of course the community also matters when it comes to how an effect has developed, but the community will never act or feel as a whole. There will be those who feel that this is the craziest thing they have ever seen all the way down to those who think it is complete bulls**t. And you can see this from responses in this forum alone. Magic is for entertainment and is used to trigger seemingly unsolvable mind puzzles. Those who cannot accept this will never see the true beauty of magic. These are my puzzles and I want to let others put the pieces together to challenge the minds of more people.
Sep 7, 2008
If you do not test your trick for months and years, you will not know if it's the best it can be. When I first created one of my tricks, I thought it was perfect. I thought the handling and gimmick couldn't be any better. After I performed the trick for about a year, I came up with a new handling that was even better. This only came about because I tested the trick for a long time.

You can create a method in five minutes, but to perfect it you need years.
Nov 26, 2009
-Magic is always evolving and nothing is or ever will be perfect. If this reality could exist, we would have real magic. The closest we can come to perfection in magic is achieving the ability to amaze others with the things that we should not be able to do, but we do them somehow and with such ease that it does appear to be true magic.

-I have achieved this with my effects. It did not take years, it took only a few weeks of hard work and a very imaginative mind. Some effects do take a much longer time to construct and perform in natural way. I have some other effects that will take a longer time to get down to personal perfection and I realize this. For instance, "Let's Face It" came about almost by accident. I was and still am working on an effect that led to the development of "Let's Face It". Sometimes things can come easily and sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error. These effects that I have created came easily, and in the future I will have more effects, some that come easily and some that take a great amount of perseverance.

-J.P., thank you for your advice and I would like to congratulate you on your newly released effect. I hope to be able to share my magic with the world soon and inspire others to create their own magic.
Sep 7, 2008
Perfect might have been the wrong word. How 'bout make it the best it can be.

In your mind you have achieved it. But in my mind, and many others, you have not. The effects look very fishy and secretive. There are better methods of doing the same effect - Daniel Garcia's Greed for example. Trying to market something with two weeks of experience is just a terrible idea. You just created a script for the effects! Trust me, give this months and even years and this can become a great trick. I'm sure you're eager to release a product and make a "name" for yourself, but you won't accomplish that by putting out bad magic.

I guarantee if you tell ANY company or magician that you have only worked on these ideas for two weeks, they will tell you to wait longer. No company would want to risk their reputation with a trick that was "perfected" in two weeks. The only exception would be a company that doesn't care about the quality of their products... (Kevin Parker...)

These are just what I said - ideas. It takes a lot more than two weeks to make an idea into something more. You might disagree with me because you are the creator of the effects - and you have a strong bias towards your magic - but I am 100% correct. No doubt about it.

If you put these out people will not trust you as a magic inventor. It's hard to fix a bad reputation.
Sep 6, 2009
I think you should go out and test it before you actually release it to the magci community. It is still lacking the feeling of magic. It's hard to explain, just go out and test it
As I have written before, no effect is really ever ready in two weeks. There's to much mucking around in the effects, that is not magic.

Magic is direct, simple, and no mucking. Please don't talk about other effects because I'm aware of problems with other effects, we're talking about yours. Do you really believe that some of the really great effects out there took a couple of weeks to make and perfect.

You say you can't perfect anything, well while I may agree why don't you try? Like JP said, no company wants something that's had two weeks of work because they don't want an unfinished effect. Look at the harbor change, something so simple as the effect and method yet it took roughly a year I believe to release it to the full public.

Take your time and don't be another KP or Sankey, who release unfinished effects that have potential. I would not use either of these effects as they were and I'm sure serious performers wouldn't either because of the unnecessary movements. Work on these, you will and I promise you that you will find something to improve on with time.

I had an effect I performed all the time and I had a strong bias like you do. Showed it to a very serious performer and he kind of criticized me harshly and I just made excuses blah blah blah.It took me some time but I understood the point the person made, the effect had potential and finally after another couple of months of work it was so much better than I could have imagined.

So keep working, you have a creative mind but a very narrow one also. This is expected of course, so don't be to discouraged or take anything personally. I feel these will be released in due time but only once you have put some real effort into these and not two weeks of dramatic change.

Best of Luck
Nov 26, 2009
-I will continue to work on these effects. I feel they are very strong right now, but I will continue and try to make them as best as they can be.

-I plan on getting some video of performing these effects in public over my holiday break that will be coming up in late December. Just from the responses that I have received thus far from performing these effects in public, I am more than pleased. So I cannot wait to get out there this winter and collect the visual evidence.

-I would like to thank you guys again for giving the advice that you have. We may have some differences in the way we operate, but in the end we are striving for the same thing, not good magic but great magic.
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