Ungimmicked 5 speed


Jul 10, 2009
Lillestrøm, Oslo, Norway
I like what you're trying to do, but I think it takes away from the impossibility of the effect, and when you recap the trick, it lets the spectator expect what's coming.. Rethink the patter as not to reveal the upcoming card, and it'll be alot better.

And your "Where's the three? here? no, it's actually here"-move isn't fooling me - keep the cards closer to eachother, less outjog, more sliding action.

but again - i like you creativity, I'm just trying to give constructive criticism:)


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
The recap was just plain painful. Way too much talking for not enough effect.

I've seen Patrick Snowden do 5 Speed without a gimmicked card, only he called it something else and may have learned it from a different source than Kenner's version. Snowden's version allows him to take the '5' cards from the deck and never have to pick it up again. I'll give you time to ponder how that may be possible. Otherwise the structure of the routine is the same.

Keep working on it, smooth it out a bit more. I think you should really focus on uniformity of motion, as you tend to speed up and slow down a lot.
Jul 28, 2009
Hey Dan,

Honestly, I was not that impressed with the effect, but I can really see you getting better in general with just handling the cards and overall smoothness. Congrats on the improvement and I can really see you getting better.

Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
Five speed uses a very small one time gimmick that has many applications in card magic. You do not even need the gimmick it just makes it easier and appear to be more far.
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