"Unreal" Montage Spoon Bend

Hey guys,

I know that W:H's "Unreal" montage has been the subject of more threads than DG's ninja skills but no one, as of yet, has been able to answer a question I have.

In the video (Which is now only viewable on Youtube) Wayne does a spoon bend that he credits, I believe, to be Chad Sanborne's Optical Bend. While the beginning of the sequence is similar (Wayne holds the spoon differently) the ending is nothing like the Optical Bend. The spoon actually bends around wayne thumb while the spoon is bowl up which is quite different from the Optical Bend.

Thanks guys!

I believe the inventor was this cat:


Yeah trashmanf is right. My cat had a converstaion with him about this trick. He said he will be selling this to theory11 in 2008. The dvd will cost 20 cans of tuna. I also heard his was making a project with Wayne and Danny Garcia. I think it's called the vanishing fish.
P.S Danny does not come with the purchase. Mods please delete if that's exposure.
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