Utilize "MEDIA" NOT YOUTUBE for your magic videos.

Aug 31, 2007
I've been seeing some people put there products from T11 on youtube, use the "Media" tab.

It makes me cringe when people put the NAME OF THE PRODUCT in the tagline. Horrible.

I think it would be a nice transistion as well.
Sep 1, 2007
Yeah, the thing is, I can't upload a lot of my videos on the media section, because it's bigger than 25mb.

I will when I can though


The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I dislike it when people are like "Ok, let's keep this place quite, don't name the effects or anything!"
And then they go around advertising everything on here.
Sep 2, 2007
It bothers me when people cry so hard about having titles in the tag line. You're not posting a tutorial, and if somebody is looking for videos about that subject, you want your video to be one of the ones they see, right? Especially if it's a good video. Hate to break it to you guys, but I don't exactly put videos up just so people on my forums can see them. I'm proud of my magic and try to make sure that everyone on youtube can find and watch my videos. I never mention where I actually bought the effect, but I do give the name and creator of any effect I perform that is not my own. I see no problem with this.
i don;t think anyone is "wrong" in doing this. the problem is unless done absoultly perfect, people will rewind and play back until they know exactly what your doing. sometime even a perfect performace can coever such deligent viewing. then someone asks how is this done. then some other bozo post a free how to guide for them. thats the way it works folks. you might be proud of "your" magic but i think if you had respect for it you would do it justice and save it for real performaces where people have the chnage to be truly entertained and not just fattened with eye candy.... its a impression that is not long lasting
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