Vertigo Idea


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
Here's a little idea I came up with using the Vertigo gimmick. It's just a quick little video to demonstrate the technique I came up with - a little bit of mentalism. This is a great trick, by the way, HIGHLY recommended! :D


Feedback is much appreciated!
Nov 27, 2009
That was cool. I'd use that if I had the gimmick, and knew how the whole trick worked. I have some ideas, but nothing terribly "convincing."


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
YRA - Thanks ya! :D

siphe - Yeah :/ I'm actually kind of interested to see what I can do with the blank space on it. I didn't dig it at first, but the possibilities are definitely there. I got this in a pack of two, but I believe the single ones still have the large spade on front. This one has the spade on back and the BICYCLE logo in front lol.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Chris, if you feel the need to be sarcastic on comments, please refrain from further commenting. If you hated it, dandy! I'm looking for feedback. You may simply not comment if you wish, sirrah.

Not being sarcastic, that was a genuine question. Some people only want to be reassured, some people want things picked apart.

So, to address your video.

First, the lack of the spoken script makes you lose a lot of effect.

Now, the trick really has no logic or motivation. Twenty seconds of shuffling and cutting. One shuffle is all it should take, don't over prove things. The selection is made and you're obviously getting ready to do something with the deck as you display it, due to the amount of fidgeting with the cards.

Then you put all the cards into the box, and ta-da! Is that supposed to be a joke? That may work if you're talking, but it just seems dumb in the video.

Then you obviously have a fair amount of trouble getting the cards back out of the box, a procedure that should be very easy. Makes it seem like you're doing something sneaky there.

Three missed finds. You said you were going to make the card appear in the box, but you just show some cards as if you're changing the trick without saying you're changing it? Need more script there.

Then you pick up the box and fidget with it. Were I watching this, I would assume you're moving something out of view.

Then you do the final reveal. Now, I do like that little move. The box lifting and falling is kind of neat. But why? What's the motivation for that? It's just a stunt, there's no reason for it to happen.

Basically, I think you've got a decent idea with that reveal, but this trick needs a ton of work. From the structure of the trick down to the performance of the sleights.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
I would have put in vocal patter, but I gave the mic I use to a friend to borrow, and so I was forced to use music and on-screen text. Not my favorite approach, but it had to do. It changes pretty much everything. I would have begun my patter during the shuffling. And the cards going into the box is indeed a pun - their card is inside the box, but in a non-magical way. I agree with getting the cards out of the box, but it's done with the patter of getting all of the cards out, making sure they're all there. The missed cards were put in as sort of a time misdirection, but in real performance, I would not do that. Also the "fidgeting" of the box would be misdirected with speech. Again, the patter lends to the movement of the box. I disagree with your statement that it "needs a ton of work", but rather, the lack of speech weighed it down heavily. Whenever I regain access to audio recording, I'll put together another video. Live, for spectators, this is much better, as everything would be misdirected by patter and potential audience involvement. Thanks for the feedback, it gave me a lot of chance at defending it, ha.
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