Video Effects? What Are Those?

Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Hey guys,

I just wanted to address this issue. I see a lot of amateur filmmaking magician adding wacky effects such as "extreme black and white" and stuff like that. This does not make your video look better in any way.

Believe me, I was once that kid.

It not only distracts viewers, it makes your video look less professional and detracts from the performance.

Here's a little advice I received for making videos:

If you own a more quality video editor (Final Cut, Vegas, etc) find the Effects, and go to Color Corrector. Move the whites slightly up, the blacks slightly down, and the saturation slightly up. This will make the colors in your video much more rich, and make the video that much better.

Black and White. White and Black. If you want to give your video a darker edge (Daniel Madison- esque) then put on that B&W. I'm not stopping you. But, in my experience, rich colors look much better than edgy blacks and whites. I use black and white very rarely in my videos anymore (I sure as hell used to) and I think they look a lot better.

Feel free to post your own advice on video effects/ editing.


Sep 3, 2007
Canada, Quebec
hey, I used to edit with Movie Maker; but then I found that the program is very very very very limited... can't really adjust the video effects according to one's preference.

I recently tried Sony Vegas (since many people said that it's a good program);
here's what I got so far:

These are the two clips that I've edited with Vegas so far ; any advice >_<? (I'm just starting out flourishes... so, might not be very smooth yet -.-)
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I agree completely. Also, web designers have a saying: "Content is King" - In other words, having a video that's edited superbly and is packed full of cool effects doesn't matter if your actual content is bad. Effects can't make your magic(flourishing) look any better.
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