Video Production - H-Triber

Sep 1, 2007
Hey I'm learning how to edit vids.. I have sony vegas pro 8 and I'm really wanna know how to make the effects that jordan does on his vid H-triber if u havent seen it here's the link

I think that when it seems like when a flash appear is that he used negative mode, but how does you (jordan if u are reading this, I hope), he does when he is on slow motion but normal motion as well I hope you know what I mean =) please help me


I suggested to create a video production section for questions like this :)
Sep 1, 2007
thank you very much man...=)

and can you find the slow motion thing I talked about I really dont know how to explain that.. when he does ecko I think finishing the vid there's like a slow motion thing I dont know :p tell me if u have any questions about understanding xD
Dec 10, 2007
i hate to break this to you but...Jordan is a BEAST -no one can measure up to his editing skills, but do your best haha
Sep 1, 2007
I'm gonna contact jornan personally... hey it'd be cool if daren, allan, kevin post here where did they learn their editing skills plz =)
Oct 24, 2007
I'm gonna contact jornan personally... hey it'd be cool if daren, allan, kevin post here where did they learn their editing skills plz =)

Well, I know you said "...Daren, Allan, and Kevin...", but I figured I would say how I learned. I learned from some tutorial DVD's that I bought online. Well, that's one way, I learned one other way. I went and spent a week with a professional video editor that works for Steven Speilburg.

After watching him, and taking the basic tutorials, I just played around with it. You'll figure out everything eventually and it'll all come to you. Sony Vegas is a great editing tool. Also, for special effects, I recommend Adobe After FX's. I use it all the time. But, that is an expensive program. Anyway, peace!

I'm not sure if Vegas is the same as Premiere, but to do the "echo" effect, you must have different "layers". Meaning two of the same video on top of each other. This is also referred to as the "matrix effect". You must speed on video up and have the other one at normal speed.

Test it out with different numbers of layers and such.

Just wait until the professional editors come, they won't even care 'cause they're to busy rolling in money.

Well since they all use Final cut pro, Sony Vegas, Adobe there pretty much at that level. Allan is already making it big. I heard his with some company now. Kevin wants to be a filmmaker, Daren pretty much proved that he's an amazng editior, teh bucks and Devo roll in there money;). Also I think that the producers and filmakers roll in the most money. Imagine giving these guys all the equipment that the pros use. Then they would be pretty much equal.
Sep 1, 2007
Well since they all use Final cut pro, Sony Vegas, Adobe there pretty much at that level. Allan is already making it big. I heard his with some company now. Kevin wants to be a filmmaker, Daren pretty much proved that he's an amazng editior, teh bucks and Devo roll in there money;). Also I think that the producers and filmakers roll in the most money. Imagine giving these guys all the equipment that the pros use. Then they would be pretty much equal.
sure they do.. Jordan used vegas on that vid.. and daren uses sony vegas as far as I know =)
Thanks for the kind words regarding the video, fellas. :)

I believe what Aris.SA was referring to was the brief flashes between clips? (Although most notabely in the beginning.) To acheive this I used Sony Vegas as other have mentioned, and hit the "Video FX" tab in the lower-left hand corner (that is, with defaul standard settings). I then scrolled down to "Invert" and applied the "100% Invert" to my video clip. I then hit the "Transitions" tab and scrolled to "Flash". I then applied the "Hard Flash" to the two separate clips I want to switch between.

It sounds like a lot but in reality it is very simple; I only hope it makes sense, lol.

Take care,
sure they do.. Jordan used vegas on that vid.. and daren uses sony vegas as far as I know =)

Well, I personally use Final Cut as some people here mentioned - and if you're going to be working with short films and serious editing and so on, it's simply a must. I'm working with a lot of video formats, right now it is DVCPRO HD from a DVX200, and when combined with Final Cut - you get a combo you can't beat.

I still have NO idea why people praise me as such a good editor, however.. I didn't "learn" my editing skills anywhere.. I just learnt from experience. Trial and error.

Well, I personally use Final Cut as some people here mentioned - and if you're going to be working with short films and serious editing and so on, it's simply a must. I'm working with a lot of video formats, right now it is DVCPRO HD from a DVX200, and when combined with Final Cut - you get a combo you can't beat.

I still have NO idea why people praise me as such a good editor, however.. I didn't "learn" my editing skills anywhere.. I just learnt from experience. Trial and error.

Here here! Trial and error for the win. Been working Adobe Premiere Pro for a year now. Using it on all of my films... I highly recommend it for PC users.

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