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Which resource should i get for coin magic

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Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
hey, im looking to pick up new resource for some coin magic. i have bobo's and some other sources so i narrowed it down to a few using previous threads, just vote on which one you like. feel free to give reasons why or if you have a seperate suggestion feel free to share.
Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
I really reccomend David Roth. His explanations are just so clear and he gives tons of tips and subtleties. I was able to do a decent classic vanish in about an hour after watching his explanations.
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
i actually already own coinone and cointwo and perform them occasoinally, im looking for something a little different, preferable minus the gimmicks. at this point im leaning towards roth's cause scott baird voted on that and he is amazing with coins. also on a related note, b-llusion, your votes were useless, i am sending chuck norris to your house with a present shaped like a roundhouse kick
Sep 24, 2007
If you have Bobo, avoid the Ammar. Most, if not all the stuff in his video is rehashed Bobo. Between Roth and Stone, Roth wins out for educational value, but Stone wins out for entertainment.

Stone wins.
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