Voting open for Original Coin Battle

Aug 16, 2008
Hey guys. I filmed and posted this today... So it's not my fault, it's a fault with the server or something...

*shouts* Moderator.... :)
Aug 16, 2008
Hmmm yeah well they do watch every video apparently. Maybe cause the other dude was half naked aye.... I don't know....

ANYWAY any comments on my video?
Sep 1, 2007
It was really hard to hear for your video and you kind of dragged on a bit. Next time make it a closer shot. And for yousebars I think his is hilarious. SOrry but I'd vote for yousebars.
Oct 24, 2007
It was really hard to hear for your video and you kind of dragged on a bit. Next time make it a closer shot. And for yousebars I think his is hilarious. SOrry but I'd vote for yousebars.

Seriously? Being hilarious isn't the contest, is it? You have to vote according to what it supposed to be happening. I would vote a million times for Tommyp just because he actually did what was supposed to be done, makes me think that yousebars didn't have anything to perform. But, those are just my thoughts.

Aug 25, 2008
I agree with coldsleeping. I have no idea what tommy was doing and it was seriously hard to see and hear. I have never seen a coin trick done the way yousebars did. Now thats originality. I totally saw what tommy did and there was no originality in his trick.
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