Wand Street Journal


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
Welcome to the Wand Street Journal. A weekly (Mostly unbiased) positive magic newspaper!

Fism award winning magician, Shin lim, announces engagement!

(Photo Credit to shin's intagram)

Although the magic community has had it downs during 2017 it is always great to see something positive. According to the Instagram account of both Shin and His new fiancée, Casey Thomas, the 2 time Penn and Teller fooler has "popped the question". Posting on Instagram "she said yes". like most Marriages not much is know about the proposal or wedding to the public(for good reasons), but I would like to give a big congratulations to the happy couple.

Product of the week: This week, Dan Harlan has released lesson 77 of his Tarbell course, in which he updates and modernizes one of the most well beloved book in all of magic. This lesson is on x ray eyes and blindfolds. Each method comes with a full routine. (http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/8842)

Cool find of the week: This week I have discovered an eBay listing for Chris kenner's book Totally out of control: (http://www.ebay.com/itm/TOTALLY-OUT...987888?hash=item25dd716bf0:g:WVoAAOSw-K9ZEWBg) it is even signed by Chris himself. (I have no connection to the seller, nor do I gain from this.)

Closing statement: I, myself, hate modern news. It too biased, completely drama based, and for the most part completely made up to spite someone. This is because they are corporate companies bound on earning money. This is non-profit. similar to what Zach Muller's insider or Exposé used to be. Given I am human and make mistakes if you see one PLEASE point it out to me. I will add more segments like performance of the week, video, etc. I just want to inform the uninformed. I do want to hear your guy's thoughts and if for what ever reason you do not like this idea.
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