What do you guys think of this?

Oct 6, 2007
What do I think?

I think that his thread should be closed as it is clearly some sort of advertisment for a poor effect from an unprofessional site.
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
I dont think that you should ask us what we think. If you like it, get it, it's that simple. And if you make a mistake (and im not saying that you will), you will learn from it. I dont know what "level" are you in magic (and world of warcraft lol jk :p), but i would probably get some book for 10$, or some trick that hit the spectator a litle "harder" if you know what i mean.
Sep 3, 2007
Well, if you buy it tell us if it's any good...

but i would probably get some book for 10$, or some trick that hit the spectator a litle "harder" if you know what i mean.

Or you could just buy a bunch or bricks, they hit harder then a book
Oct 24, 2007
What do I think?

I think that his thread should be closed as it is clearly some sort of advertisment for a poor effect from an unprofessional site.

How is it an advertisement? He asked an opinion of it. I think he's not wanting our opinion of "is it a good trick?" or "can it hit hard?". But, he wants to be saved from a rip-off.

Ten dollars is ten dollars, money is money. If you have lots of money, sure buy it, shouldn't bother you to spend ten dollars! But, if you're trying to save money, or have saved money for magic "stuff", then I suggest not buying that trick. First, it's unprofessional looking all together. How can you trust that a trick is good if they don't put the time and the effort into it to make a good demo. Looks like the thing was edited in Windows Movie Maker from a computer using Windows 2000. (rofl)

Also, it looks pretty crappy. It doesn't have what I like to call the "shock" factor. It's not surprising. People might go, "Oh, that's cool.", but you aren't going to get good reactions. It's also oldtimey to me. Most tricks brought out today are old tricks put out with new modern spins on them. This trick doesn't have the modern spin and seems like something you would have gotten for 5 cents a hundred years ago. Anyway, that's my opinion! Now I've talked enough. Peace!

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