What is this magical place?

Brewery Rabbit

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Poulsbo, Wa
Well recently i went to the space needle *First time ever!*
And my god..

That is the best place i have ever performed.


First of all..

everyone tends to be in little groups.


There are little tables set up around the sides.

and thirdly. There is food. Thats always important to me.

The restaurant below the needle revolves.
its really cool.

it takes 47 minutes to make one entire revolution.

My favorite part about this?

People leave funny little notes on the ledge by the window *Which is stationary*
to see what other people write on them.
For instance.. My girlfriend wrote happy brithday jordan!
And by the time we got back to that note, 8 people wrote happy birthday on there.

This sparked a really cool idea.
I want to do some sort of magic trick.
That can be used on a number of different people.
Without fail.

Anyone have an idea?

i was thinking some sort of mental trick..


P.s. i hope this made sense
Sep 14, 2007
Hmm, maybe just right the name of a force card on the paper, or tape it on the revolving glass thing:p, then just get the presentation right and that could be good

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