What Is Useful card magic?

Sep 20, 2010

i would like to discuts about usefull card magic, i started to think this topic after EMC2011. for those who dont know . EMC is essential magic conferce, you can look up the speakers list to see that this is the best convention that you can listen to.

a lot of top magicians gave lectures and preform their own reputaur for me one of the high light was the annoucment that dan and dave will preform in the last day, there where other cards guys preformances before that that either went for amazing cards trick( ACAAN by lu chen, Wow..) dani daortiz.. but i saw those guys doing preformances for live audience, i never got to see the bucks.

i think that their cards skills are known and practice by lot of young magicians world wide, and thier moves and flourish take time to master, i worked at bars with some of their effects in close up, but i was curious to see them going live on stage . for my supprise and EMC( i guess) when to host annouct the buck twins they said that they will do another lecture on how to film youtube videos... why they did that? maybe their skills are not working on stage, where they affraid that in compare to the other magician they will look bad?

as a preformer i have a lot of issues with their ICE MAN presention, and putting your presention in your flourish is not good, because can you preform the pandora or molecule 2 one card production 8 times in one night while working tables? can you do it on stage with out a video screen( do you have wha it take to set up a video screen in your show?) the answer is NO. even dan and dave cant do it, those moves are hard and cards will fall and cards falling in walk around magic looks bad.. i think that they didnt want to show thier blof.. even when they agree to do some moves.. some packets finished the move out of their hands well live stream sucks...there is diffrence between lectures and shows. if you can show well you dont lecture.

also i follow a lot of talent shows world wide, when a skillful card magician(look for inseki channel, very skillful. and see what he went for Italy got telnt audition..) come out to preform he goes for cards manipulation with music in his audiotion and not a fancy colur change or a unique flourish. TOPAS talked about manipulation in that session and explian why this is not juggeling and why crowd love to see this . I think that good mainpulation act for a young magician is much more useful then any new age trick, and i dont have a manipulation act but i kinow lots of tricks...

what is a new age trick for me? things that didnt tested on stage for 10 years.. for example digital downloads at t11. or on demand at D&D. i love them those tricks are great gor 2-3 people close up but if i was putting this time in calssic manipulation, i could have a world class act and get book for places who look for stage. the kid that won last fism jordan gomez. is 17, and practiced magic for 3 years before that, and went for CD mainpulation.. do you think that he knows the molecule?

so are we fooled by slik moves and special HD camera angels? does card flourishs are good for a proffesinal working magician? i think that practicng on those moves is a lot of fun and posting on youtube is a nice start for young magician but are those youg magician are something more than a copy created by the SYSTEM?
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Oct 14, 2007
Burbank, CA
In my opinion flourishes are most useful to get people's attention or to gain their interest in what you are doing. But I also don't think that you should always be flashy when pefroming. There's not much use for them other than that when peforming. Also, although I like Dan and Dave a lot they are not performers; they are very skilled technicians. They are not entertainers, and I don't see how they could entertain a crowd with how they perform; they do not seem to be very engaging people at all. Also, I don't think their effects are for the working professional. Their style of card effects is mostly flashy and more of a "look what I can do" nature. Effects are better when they engage people. Those are just my opinons though and others are welcome to disagree.
Feb 18, 2011
Under your bed
I think flourishes in magic are fine, and can enhance the magic... The majority of your spectators probably know there is no such thing as 'real magic', so for me there's really no problem to just show my dexterity with a deck of cards. I'm a lot happier with the spectators knowing I'm just using sleight of hand, than trying to convince those MoFo's that I'm freaking Harry Potter.

Also, when you want to perform magic for someone but don't want to seem too forward or don't want to make a fool of yourself, you can stand near them and do a few springs and LePaul Spreads, and they will come to you.
Sep 20, 2010

well, i agree with your thoughts , my point is that manipulation is not popular this days and i think that if you want to be a working magician for stage you need to master it and even this will not be in your show it will give a lot og usefull tools for stage magic..
there are more usefull routines beside manipulation, suit production, poker demo , invisiblae palm, mcdonald aces.. and so on. now, why there is no work on those things ? do we really need another colur change?
Jul 13, 2010
Useful or not, I don`t like manipulation acts. For me, magic is more interesting when spectators are directly involved in a way or another.
Manipulators and flourishers usually bore me to death.
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