what to do next?

Aug 26, 2010
i started practicing a few days ago, and i only have the scissor cut, the thumb cut and the single charlier cut. :/ i haven't gotten very far, seeing i only know those three :( any tips you have or recommendations on what to learn next to help prepare me for other things? im not able to do anything to advanced yet as my fingers are still only capable of so much, so what do you suggest i learn next, since i don't exactly know what moves are out there since i only started a few days ago? a few things listed would be nice please, and thank you :)
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
personally the cuts and flourishes i would work on next for your skill level are the following

Fans (thumb fan, pressure fan, one hand fan etc)
a good Spring
Hot Shot Cut
Revolution Cut

those should give a diverse and decent foundation upon which to work off of
Aug 8, 2010
Yes, but not legally... =\
I recommend you Extreme Beginners by De'Vo as one of dvds for beginners... I do not like the way of teaching, but a lot of good and original sleights and ideas are there..
i remember when i gave my first try in flourishing, i started with brian tudor's showoof 1 and some daniel madison's dvd...

By all means, they are not for beginners, and obviously after tens hours of practice i could not do any flourish properly... But later i realized that it after practicing those, all basic moves like thumb cut and charlier are incredably easy :)
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