What trick is this?

Apr 6, 2016
I came across this trick many, many years ago but I cannot remember what it's called.
I know he isn't the creator of the trick, but I recently saw Dynamo perform this trick for Example.

^^ please watch from 0:52 until the end of the card trick.

Can someone tell me the name of this effect?
Many thanks in advance.
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Elite Member
Oct 6, 2009
Hamburg, Germany
as Gabriel said it´s Any Card At Any Number (a.k.a. ACAAN). It´s kind of the holy grail of card magic (and made David Berglas a legend) and there are various methods to accomplish this effect. Sometimes its not really any card sometimes its not really any number and to every method there´s a downside. So if you want to do this trick you might want to check out several methods and decide which method suits your actual performance conditions best.
Here are just I few sources that I personally find worthwhile:
  1. ACANtaloupe from Hudson Taylor´s DVD Implausibilities
    Impromptu method for close-up, nice audience involvement. Both the card and the number are not thought of but determined by a procedure. It doesn´t look at all like the Dynamo video (was that even real?) but I think it´s a real worker.

  2. YAMFACAAN by R. Paul Wilson (Killers DVD or D&D stream)
    A relatively quick impromtu method. It´s really any card and (almost) any number.
    I absolutely love this and do it all the time.

  3. The Birthday Card by Boris Wild (marketed item)
    This is for parlor/stage. It requires some pocket space becauser there is more than one deck in play but it´s very well thought out and clean.

  4. A.A.C.A.A.N. by Asi Wind (D&D stream)
    Fantastic method for formal performances (parlor/stage/close-up). This comes very close to the ideal: The deck is on the table in full sight from the beginning. A card and a number a chosen. The deck tossed out from the card box and the card is at the number. A spectator can count!
    But it requires a memorized deck. If you don´t already use a memorized deck this might very well be a reason to learn it.

  5. CAANDY by Chris Mayhew (download, Vanishing Inc.?)
    I don´t find this one very practical. But the method is insane and very interesting.
Hope this helps to get you started!
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