What was your username on other forums?


Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Orlando, FL
Hey everyone, I know that some people kept the same name that they use for other magic forums, but some of you might have changed them as well. I was wondering (for those who changed), what is your username on other magic forums? For those who kept the same username throughout all the forums you're on, what other forums do you post on?

On E and the cafe, my username is solareflipz.
Penguin: fspigeon
Ellusionist: fspigeon
The Magic Cafe: fspigeon


How about we also explain the meaning behind them as well? Mine is simple. My name is fraser sorensen, and people say that I look like a pigeon

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Sep 2, 2007
My username on just about every other forum I've ever occupied was Ramoran. It's the name of a vampire character I created a while back and use in online roleplays. I also started writing a story with Ramoran in it. If I can get to a magic forum before the name StreetMage gets taken, that's the one I go with, and it's the one I used here. I thought I invented the name StreetMage, till I started trying to use it online. Then I realized that everybody and his brother has that username everywhere.
Mine is Avancer pretty much everywhere, even on Xbox live (for those who'd like to add me ;) )

I use it because it's simple, and is never used anywhere, which makes me happy because I dislike using numbers in my name :)
I sorta regret my username now but, I use RebelAce69 everywhere I sign up, although I do wish I used my real name Cody Lust on the forum.....Wish there was a way to change it, since I don't want to have to use another e-mail.

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