What's after TnR?

Oct 11, 2007
there's always another, it's like dominos on this site

I think that if you look back, you'll see that one thing after another come out on theory11 but I'm wondering what will as well. There's also the possibility of submiting tricks as well if you think whatever you have come up with is good enough. And even if they are going for quality (and definitely have that) they keep amazing me with the number tricks that are already out.
Sep 1, 2007
To T11 Team- i know that you want to surprise us with new effects, and I'm totally cool with that. But if you could atleast tell us if a new effect will come out before christmas? Because I have a budget, and if I spend all my money on gifts, then this kick-ass effect comes out, I'll be dissapointed.


Coin through used diaper trick would be nice. I don't think anyone has tried to corner that market yet.........besides me
Most likely the next thing to be released will be the 1-on-1's since they shot them I believe just before or just after TNR so either way they should be coming next. Besides that there's only been speculation about Daniel Madisons new project and Control being released. So, don't get your hopes up.

Sep 2, 2007
Besides that there's only been speculation about Daniel Madisons new project
Hmm, Daniel Madison? Not sure of whom you speak. (If you look around, you may just find some something -- something hidden, if you will -- about this Daniel Madison. ;))

Further, there's about eighteen 1-on-1 videos waiting in the wings:
We have about 18 1on1 videos that we're sitting on... Dana & I have been so busy with TNR that we just haven't had the time to complete post-production on them all. We have stuff from Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Chris Kenner & more from the Bucks. I promise that we'll get them out as soon as we can! I'll talk to you guys soon!

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