What's so bad about Jay? :(

Is Jay Sankey annoying?

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Liam Carrie

Hello magic community!, a few months ago i was with a bunch of magicians who all hated jay sankey. I wondered why, so i bought a video and it was great! Everyone i know seems to think he is annoying, but he still has great impromptu material. do you think he's annoying or a Great magician?
They might have been referring to the time where he was putting out like a DVD every month or two and they were all filled with mediocre material. Thankfully he's more recently calmed down some in his releases.

Other than that, I like Jay. He's a good magician, and I find him hilarious - you'll find that there are 2 kinds of magicians; those who love Jay's humor, and those who hate it. That's probably why some find him annoying.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2007
Houston TX
Jay umm I have like 4 dvds from him he has really good material and then some junk but most of it is good,and yes he is annoying! big time, but since i still want to learn the material I just sit back and chill, like in my opinion he tries to be funny idk if he is really being himself, like Oz Pearlman great magician but I feel that he memorizes the routines word by word his kinda robo type
Sep 1, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
Now this is all personal preference but I think Jay is great all around. I had the pleasure of meeting him at his lecture here in Ohio recently and he is a wonderful person and magician. Im sure many people (stiffs) are not into his sense of humor and I can understand that, but everyone at his lecture was cracking up the whole time. 2 thumbs up for Jay!:cool:
Aug 31, 2007
I'll admit that Jay can be annoying at times. He tries a little too hard to be funny. But that's only some of the time. Other that that, he's a great magician.

John :cool:
Nov 17, 2007
I know I'm probably gonna get a lot of hits about this but I really dislike Jay Sankey. I find him VERY annoying. It gets to the point where I don't wanna watch the DVDs I bought because I am gonna pull my hair out from his bad jokes. I understand a sense of humor is good (like Greg Wilson. He is funny and fun to watch and doesn't go overboard like Jay). Jay is just TOO annoying. I also really dislike his magic too. It seems to me like he is just all about making money so he invents like 100 tricks a day and tries to sell them. That is why he has like 50 DVDs. I've seen better magicians. Srry Jay.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2007
Houston TX
Greg Wilson= Funny and Fun to watch/learn
Chris Kenner= Funny and Fun to watch/learn
JAY SANKEY= Very annoying! Bad Jokes! Alright tricks but before you get to learn anything you will turn off your dvd and his voice makes me want to strangle myself.(sorry I just popped one of his dvds in to the dvd player)
Dec 16, 2007
'without a doubt' Jay Sankey is a funny guy, and i think he should be let off the hook for all the half good dvd's and bad jokes just for contributing Paperclipped to close-up magic. My god thats a good card trick!
I don't really like him, Its like he tries too hard sometimes. Also I don't think he has a lot of Business Sense. I mean Magic Shops can't sell "Sankey" Products unless they are an authorised dealer. Who came up with that stupid idea? I know Jay has had a lot of magic shops return all his products back to the supplier because of it. I just don't understand. Wouldn't you want your product in the most amount of shops. Absolute moron.


The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
At times its like he focuses more on getting a laugh more than anything else, but I like him. Ignore the humor (although some of it is great) and you'll have a very entertaining magician to watch.
Aug 31, 2007
I think hes only annoying when he explains stuff with a weird accent, other then that i think he's hilarious.
Sep 9, 2007
To those of you who dislike his magic instruction because of the humor mixed in with it...you should see his stand-up :)
Sep 1, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I like Jay just because he is himself regardless of how people may perceive him or like/dislike him as a teacher/entertainer. It's a nice change from the guys try to be someone they are not just to appease the masses. I like quite a few of Jay's effects, most especially Paperclipped. As far as his business practices go, well I am sure it creates some headaches for distributors and magic shops but if he is comfortable with how he runs his business then that's just the way it is.

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