When do you know you're good

Jan 20, 2015
So when do you know you're a good magician? What skills do you need to have how to start developing your own tricks? I feel like im okay but need just a little bit more and i dont know where to start since i don't know a proffesionall magician who can mentor me
Dec 29, 2011
Who needs a mentor? You can start developing your own material as soon as you start, the only thing I wish that was different about my own magic career is that someone had of told me that when I first started. I'll tell when when you're a good magician if you can tell me what a "good magician" is.
Dec 29, 2011
Being good has nothing to do with developing your own tricks. It is making the effects you know fit your style and presenting them in a way so that you entertain your audience.

Sorry, I was not very clear, but this is more or less what I meant. I feel you definitely don't need someone more experienced to help you develop magic 'goodness', it might help, but the OP basically said not having a mentor is holding him back form being 'good'. This isn't the case.

As for what being 'good' is, what you've said works. Perhaps a more personal/general approach could be taken, when you're a 'good' magician is when you achieve with your magic what you set out to achieve, when you reach your vision perhaps.
Jun 3, 2015
Lake District, UK
I think you could probably ask 10 different magicians and get 10 different answers.

Some might say you are good when you can perform a routine with confidence and without error.

Some might say you know you're good when you're getting a good reaction from your audience.

Some might say you have to know X, Y and Z effect/move/etc before you can say you're good.

Some might say you know you're good when you are making a living from performing magic.

I could go on and on. Being "good" will mean something different to everyone. At the end of the day, the opinion that matters is that of your audience at the end of your routine.
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