Where can i purchase this trick?

Aug 18, 2008
There are many many tricks that accomplish this. Changing the back of a signed card is an old idea. I am not 100% sure of any sources at the moment but I will do a little research and get back
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
There are lots of different sources on stuff like this... Two come to mind - Tyler Wilson has work along these lines in one of his books, I think it's Dominatricks, a colour change of a signed card. For something similar but a bit more out of the ordinary, look at VDP by John Van der Put. Not exactly this effect, but a concept which does something similar, is Steve Haynes' Casanova Concept.
Jul 16, 2008
austin, tx
Justin Miller explains a very cool walkaround version of this effect on the Army of 52 DVD. I've been working on 3 or 4 variations of this trick that are reaaallly awesome. PM me if you want to chat a bit.
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