Where to find a pack of all one card value/suit?

Jun 11, 2014
I've seen tricks with that involve a large quantity of a single card, several "Jack of Clubs" cards, or blank cards, or whatever, with standard backs (Bicycle Rider, Bee, etc...) I'd like to purchase some for some effects I'm working on, but I don't even know what these are called, if there's a name for a product like this...?

So the question: What would this be called (if anything) such that I can find some?
Sep 1, 2013
South Africa
Ah yes I know what you're talking about, I don't own one, but I guess if you buy and deconstruct a one way forcing deck then you would get what you need also there is a deck called the Bicycle Secret Weapon deck which all 54 cards are Ace of Spades', this deck has some back story and symbolism with the Vietnam war and yeah.. check that out too. Good Luck mate!
Jun 11, 2014
You mean like this: http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/646 ??

That's precisely what I'm looking for, thanks! I knew about the Ace of Spaces, but i wanted something that'd sign better with a sharpie, and eventually the ace of spades thing will get tired.

A one-way force deck is composed of just standard cards, yes? I mean, regular coatings, etc.. nothing like the rough/smooth of an invisible deck, for instance...?
Sep 2, 2007
A one-way force deck is composed of just standard cards, yes? I mean, regular coatings, etc.. nothing like the rough/smooth of an invisible deck, for instance...?

Yes. A one-way forcing deck is literally a standard deck except every card is the same. You can also buy two-way and four-way forcing decks and probably other combinations too.
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