Which 1-on-1?

many people ask what dvd or book you recommend.
so instead of that what 1on 1 would you recommend

1.whats your favorite easy trick on 1 on 1 section

2.whats your favorite medium trick on 1 on 1 section

3. whats you favorite hard trick on the 1 on 1 section

4.whats your favorite overall.

thanks if you can help
Apr 28, 2008
If I had to choose one i'd say the Outjog Herrman Shift by Aaron Fisher, I think it's by far the best value for money. It's practical, fairly easy and is something you can use all the time.

Although honestly I think these threads are pointless, is it really that hard to make up your own mind about which 1 on 1 to buy? I can understand if you're trying to decide between a couple of them but when you appear to have no idea what you actually want it's difficult to help.

You need to decide which will compliment the sleights and effects you currently use. Just because everybody else likes it doesn't mean it will be good for you
If I had to choose one i'd say the Outjog Herrman Shift by Aaron Fisher, I think it's by far the best value for money. It's practical, fairly easy and is something you can use all the time.

Although honestly I think these threads are pointless, is it really that hard to make up your own mind about which 1 on 1 to buy? I can understand if you're trying to decide between a couple of them but when you appear to have no idea what you actually want it's difficult to help.

You need to decide which will compliment the sleights and effects you currently use. Just because everybody else likes it doesn't mean it will be good for you

I am just curious about what you guys think.
Sep 2, 2007
1) My favorite "Easy" 1-on-1 video would have to be Tres Pass -- a simple, different, but effective and addictive pass.
2) My favorite "Intermediate" 1-on-1 video is Strike Change by Aaron Fisher.
3) My favorite "Advanced" 1-on-1 video has to be UniCoin by Chris Kenner.
4) Finally, my favorite 1-on-1 video overall is -- without a doubt -- Five Speed, by the aforementioned Chris Kenner, which I somehow failed to list above.

Jan 19, 2008
As i only own 2 1on1's Id say easy five speed and Missing link are very good! Missing link is a tad diffucult at first but overall pretty easy!
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