Which 1?

Sep 1, 2007
seeing your position i would assume you would like to perform both distortion and your next trick in the same routine.

You could buy panic however you would need to 'set-up' if you know what i mean.

However, if you buy digital dissolve, you can go into it provided you have the gimmick.

Both are really good tricks, however in my opinion digital dissolve is easier.

HOWEVER, the panic DVD has a wealth of info which would further your magic.

In the end it is whether you are more into cards or coins. Since you bought distortion, panic would be a good opener. but just make sure the gimmicks are the same colour
Oct 2, 2007
I'd get Panic, but Digital Dissolve is pretty sweet too.

IMHO, wait for Asher's Witness.

So many decisions to make, so little time to make them.

I'm no help to you here, am I? :eek:
This is like me a saying, "I like fruit,Which would i like best, Apples or Oranges?"

We need more information about you first.

Card Guy or Coin Dude?

I own both, Im sure I can help with more information

Cheers, Tom

Im a Bizzare / Mentalist. I have Distorition, Fraud, Stigmata, Ghost Vision, Ultra Smoke 2000, Warning, Tricycle and a Ghost Gaff Deck , and the following Decks: Blue masters Deck, Black Tiger, Ghost, Guardian's, and a blue Vintage 1800 deck.

and....been doing magic for 3 years so far.
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Sep 2, 2007
If you would like a trick that you could perform over and over again to spectators, continually blowing their minds, though it's not recommended, you would have to go with Digital Dissolve. The trick is unfathomable, just look at the trailer.

Panic, on the other hand, is an omnipotent vanishing deck. However, if my routine just consisted of Panic, it would, in my opinion, feel incomplete, wanting more. Whereas, Digital Dissolve can be the only trick you perform every day, and it would never get old.

Sep 4, 2007
I hope you are reading this Ring master (Sign),

I think I would go for the one I reccomended to you earlier........you know.

I have all of the theory 11 effects out so far and one of my favorites would have to be DD simply because it is so easy and can be done multiple times. Panic is awesome as well and arron goes over everything really well and give some tipe on sleights that can be applied anywhere.
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