Which emails work for The Magic Cafe?

Nov 8, 2010
Vernon B.C
i refuse to PAY for an email address, and i read a thread where someone said they found a free one that worked, but didnt say WHAT it was. jeez, they make it so hard just to become a member :(
im sure most people that have accounts on there dont pay for their email address.

please help.
Jun 22, 2010
Martinez, CA
You pay for an email address?? I had no idea you had to pay for any of them, I have Gmail (Google Email) and it's great and free.
Jun 10, 2010
i refuse to PAY for an email address, and i read a thread where someone said they found a free one that worked, but didnt say WHAT it was. jeez, they make it so hard just to become a member :(
im sure most people that have accounts on there dont pay for their email address.

please help.

The kind of people searching for an email in the manner you are oftentimes end up being the ones that would do better off lurking the forums. Trust me. It's not worth it anyway. The email censor does wonders for them.

You don't need to be a member to gain from the Cafe. Don't bother.


Elite Member
Jan 8, 2010
All isp's offer email addresses, some give more and less depending what package you're on so by having internet you already have access to an email that will work. I made an email with talktalk to get on there and have never used the forum, it's not that good.
Dec 11, 2010
Gmail is bomb sauce awesomeness and it's free!!!

It might be awesome and free but it doesn't work for themagiccafe, not anymore.

I used my school's email address. Frankly I have more posts here then I do at themagiccafe even though I have been a member at the cafe a month or two longer.

I do not really like their forums because it is.... overwhelming?

I took a course in web designing in high school (didn't really help) and the first thing I practically learned was to make the website nice an simple looking. All those ads and thousands of sections and subsections make my head spin.
It might be awesome and free but it doesn't work for themagiccafe, not anymore.

I used my school's email address. Frankly I have more posts here then I do at themagiccafe even though I have been a member at the cafe a month or two longer.

I do not really like their forums because it is.... overwhelming?

I took a course in web designing in high school (didn't really help) and the first thing I practically learned was to make the website nice an simple looking. All those ads and thousands of sections and subsections make my head spin.

Really? I didn't know that I haven't been over there in ages. Haha, the web design thing made me laugh so hard because it's so true, lol.
You really don't need an account on the cafe. There's really nothing there that justifies it. There is a lot of politics, rude arm chair magicians, and elitist attitudes that congest the servers there. You can view practically any thread without an account, and responding to them can be done via emails. Besides the cafe has a crappy layout, it's way to segmented, there are banner adds all over the place, and Steve Brooks the cafe's owner will spam your account with advertisement messages when ever he feels like it with no way to opt out as opposed to creating a specific mailing list for this purpose. Also the search feature doesn't work right, you have to specify forum and what your looking for. Given how many forums and subforums there are this makes the site very user unfriendly for a new person.
Nov 8, 2010
Vernon B.C
hahaha, yeah, i was on there last night, reading, and realized just how much EVERY thread turns into a flame war, i'm not really interested in posting regularly, i just want to post my "advice on routines and character......" thread over there, because i find that there is more people like you (draven) over there, that post lengthy in depth responses. my thread doesn't seem to be getting much attention over here on T11. :(
Well that's because the Cafe has an older user base, compared to most of the other online forums which tend to cater to the younger crowd. The cafe certainly does has it's group of intelligent free-thinkers, and that's not to be taken lightly, but it is also something, I believe, we can achieve here as well through nurturing and mentoring each other.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
The cafe is best ignored and forgotten. Like Will said, the site just has a god awful design that looks like it was designed by a blind idiot. Hell, I've seen websites that were devoted to DBZ or Pokemon that were created by 12 year old's that were easier to look at and use than the cafe. And that right there is just sad.

There are plenty of other forums and websites out there that are much easier to view and use than the Cafe.
Jun 10, 2010
The cafe is best ignored and forgotten. Like Will said, the site just has a god awful design that looks like it was designed by a blind idiot. Hell, I've seen websites that were devoted to DBZ or Pokemon that were created by 12 year old's that were easier to look at and use than the cafe. And that right there is just sad.

There are plenty of other forums and websites out there that are much easier to view and use than the Cafe.

I don't care for the looks that much. They work, and that's good enough.

Depending on your uses, however, the place is literally a gold mine. Let me say that again: a gold mine. Some people would do well to remember that.
Jul 13, 2010
That´s the ambiguity. The content is gold, the design (and I´m not talking about the look) is well below average. It´s even worse.
It´s a pity that the best search engine for the cafe is NOT their search function, but google. It has far more sub-forums than needed and they still adding more and more forums to it. They should fire the designer of that crap. He obviously hasn`t the slightest idea of ergonomics, user-friendliness or design in general. Confusion is neither magic nor good design, Mr. Magic Cafe designer.
The restriction of acceptable email accounts is just the tip of the iceberg.

How can the world`s biggest magic site have the world`s poorest design ?
What holds them back to revamp it ?
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Jun 10, 2010
You guys need to chill about the email censor. Seriously. That's one of the best things about the place, or there'd be a bunch more **** to sift through for the golden nuggets than there are now.

The design may be bad, yes. The email censor may be annoying, yes. But the site runs just as fine. The information - just as valuable.
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Jun 10, 2010
You really don't need an account on the cafe. There's really nothing there that justifies it. There is a lot of politics, rude arm chair magicians, and elitist attitudes that congest the servers there. You can view practically any thread without an account, and responding to them can be done via emails. Besides the cafe has a crappy layout, it's way to segmented, there are banner adds all over the place, and Steve Brooks the cafe's owner will spam your account with advertisement messages when ever he feels like it with no way to opt out as opposed to creating a specific mailing list for this purpose. Also the search feature doesn't work right, you have to specify forum and what your looking for. Given how many forums and subforums there are this makes the site very user unfriendly for a new person.

Depends on what you're looking for. If you know where to look, it's good. Generally, that's where the sub-forum thing comes in. Search in the one that would be the most beneficial, then go down the list. You should be able to find it easily, albeit after a little time searching. But the information is worth it.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
The site does sometimes have good reviews and advice. The problem is that you end up with a major eye sore and headache trying to find anything, that it completely negates any of their professional advice at all. Not to mention the other major problems I've seen come from there, how badly managed the place is. How out of touch with reality the Staff members are. The list goes on and on.

I've heard that they won't do a revamp of it because they think what they got is great. Even though I am 100% sure that pretty much everybody has told them to change it.
Aug 17, 2010
I don't care for the looks that much. They work, and that's good enough.

Depending on your uses, however, the place is literally a gold mine. Let me say that again: a gold mine. Some people would do well to remember that.

Too true. A lot of great thinking goes on there, and it's a worthwhile endeavour to see beyond the design choices they made.
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