Who do you want from the T11 forums to do video performances?

Jan 15, 2008
in the royal court
well i posted this to ask as a petition to some people i am really eager to see perform some xcm, to see their skills for what ever reason are the following for me:
-tyler johnson (love ur tree)
-forum moderators
-katie egleston (more please)
-viper magic
-DANA HOCKING (some xcm (xtreme cam manipulation)
this is a wish only, i look up to seeing this guys perfoming xcm...:)

who would you like to see from the T11 forums perform?
well i posted this to ask as a petition to some people i am really eager to see perform some xcm, to see their skills for what ever reason are the following for me:
-tyler johnson (love ur tree)
-forum moderators
-katie egleston (more please)
-viper magic
-DANA HOCKING (some xcm (xtreme cam manipulation)
this is a wish only, i look up to seeing this guys perfoming xcm...:)

who would you like to see from the T11 forums perform?

Well.....I'll have to get working on a new video don't I?

Jan 31, 2008
Location: Location
Andrei. He's the best XCMer/cardist on these fourms.

Maaaaaaybe the Virts, but I want a video of them dammit! Not them waving their hand really fast in front of the camera! But defineatly Andrei.
Sorry bro I only know Sybil, Molecule 2 (first phase, but I am working on the second). I am working on a steet magic video with Anthony Bass and Shane Black.

I would like to see more Dan & Dave, and Richard

well i posted this to ask as a petition to some people i am really eager to see perform some xcm, to see their skills for what ever reason are the following for me:
-tyler johnson (love ur tree)
-forum moderators
-katie egleston (more please)
-viper magic
-DANA HOCKING (some xcm (xtreme cam manipulation)
this is a wish only, i look up to seeing this guys perfoming xcm...:)

who would you like to see from the T11 forums perform?

Oh ya just wanted to add something. I think that rebelace(our mod) posted a video for the trilogy contest which is video wasn't that exciting. Sorry buddy but it wasn't. And I don't think Dana would ever do a video of cardistry since he's usually the one with the camera.:p
Oct 6, 2007
Hey Caruso,

Don't know why you picked me, heck! I'm not even a flourisher!?

But don't worry, I'll post some magic performances soon!
Sep 3, 2007
Well, I'm honored that you mentioned my name, but I don't do XCM... at all. I do a few simple cuts, but to be honest; I suck at it. Sorry to burst your bubble. :( Maybe at a later time when I have practiced a whole bunch and I'm actually fairly good. I think it would be great fun to have a god flourishing video, but right now it's far down on my "list of things to do". Thanks for mentioning my name, though.

And just for future reference, I have submitted my Schwing video to the Media Section, but it's still lost somewhere. I'm not sure if it got denied or not, but oh well. That's life, right?
Sep 1, 2007
zachmonky has some flourish vids on youtube, but, no offense, he's not very good at all. Like Mitch, I think he's a magic guy.
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