Who is the modern day Erdnase?

Sep 10, 2008
There is no one, and will probably never be anyone who contributed as much as Erdnase did to card technique.

Try and find gambling techniques prior to Erdnase that are as well described and as practical as his techniques.

A large majority of the techniques in his book are still used today, more than 100 years after its publication; Dai Vernon had very little to add in Revelations; no matter how hard people have tried, they have not been able to disprove his statements about the perfect shift; any card magician who does not study Erdnase is doing themselves a disservice.

Until someone releases a text can fulfill the same criteria, we can't call them Erdnase.

Probably closest at the moment, in all truth, would be Tamariz, but even then, compare the amount of sleights that Tamariz has contributed and the amount that Erdnase has contributed, and Erdnase is ahead by far.
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Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY

i dunno probably chris kenner.. came up with some real revolutionary stuff. 4 for 4 switch, originated the 3 fly type coin effect.

I agree with tamariz, maybe vernon or lorayne too.
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Jul 13, 2010
Vernon is more than just the next Erdnase (a guy who wrote a classic, but nobody knows who he really was)to me. He (together with Marlo) was probably the most influencal magician of the 20.century. He contributed more than Erdnase in my opinion, because he made magic more popular and socially acceptable in a broader way. It´s not all about the sleights and techniques.

The only 'legends' still alive are Tamariz and Lorayne (Two men of the 'old school'. As always,just my personal opinion. If I forgot someone, I´m sorry).

But I think Vernon deserves the title 'The next Erdnase' after Erdnase (sounds like a new casting show ;) )

P.S.: Considering the sheer amount of publications, Harry Lorayne would win, hands down. Deceased Magicians included, Ed Marlo would settle the race.
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