Witness Contest is over... hidden pages

Good idea....

For those who couldn't find them the first link was about 30 seconds into the teaser video near the top right corner, for about half a second, you had to stop the video to get the link. Once you went to the first link there was another link hidden in the source code. It stood out from the rest of the text since it was in green.

So for all of you who didn't find it sorry but the contest has already ended and the first 52 people got a deck of Wynn playing cards. Very rare.

Sep 1, 2007
Firefox usually color codes the Source code like an HTML editor. The hidden link was in a comment, hence firefox makes it green
Sep 10, 2007
...Wow, that is MAD weird. I put that exact link into my browser....and it didn't work. Just went back to the Witness page. Maybe it was just a day thing. Oh well. :)
Sep 10, 2007
You may have entered it wrong, possibly putting lower case instead of capitals....But that is indeed weird.


Well...at least I know I'm not stupid! (Not saying that those of you who didn't get it are stupid.) Rather, at least I know I can figure this stuff out!


Sep 2, 2007
there will be alot more to come in the near fuyure.. lee said that there will be more "snags" on T11 soon...

so get used to this method of cerca trova
{[{ searchResultsCount }]} Results