

Sep 2, 2007
ok.. i hope this isnt exposing anything.. but ive noticed that witness's name "deuce bag", asociates with the trick.. like in every pic, performance(teaser) he uses a two(deuce), so that brings me to the question, will Witness only be usable with a two??, like distortion can only be used with a 6 and 4 of diamonds?..?

- treb
Sep 2, 2007
To be short and precise -- I believe that you can use three of hearts, three of spades, four of clubs, et al.

But, why would you not want to use the two -- it's, like, the only even number that's prime.

Sep 10, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Card definitely does NOT have to be the 2 of Hearts. Can be any card. Saw and learned this effect from Lee at a lecture last year. The effect brought down the house, and the next day, virtually the entire convention learned how to do it. Simple, Powerful, and very usable. I'm sure the DVD will be packed with great performance techniques and psychology.
Oct 21, 2007
i was just about to ask this question good thing i checked before i did.
i think ill wait till more people agree that it can be done with other cards because i get alot of people who want to see the trick again and again and with tricks like distortion,well they dont seem any more amazing after the 11th time of " the 4 is now a 6".
Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Yes this trick can be done with any card in the deck. Virtually impromtu, there are absolutely no gimmicked things, almost. All you need is a plastic bag and a ********* and you are ready to go. I own Thinking Out Loud by Lee where Deuce Bag aka Witness is taught, but I will be picking up this DVD as I'm sure it will include many more tips. Happy Purchasing!

Is it just me or does the trick seem totally obvious? If it's done the way I think it is, then it really is very very simple and can be done with any card. I don't really think it could be done any other way unless you made it really complicated.
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