
Jan 27, 2008
I have the effect for three months now... and i have never performed it....

i mean it just doesent seem convincent for me...

does it really work?
Jan 11, 2008
If you've had Witness for 3 months and you are not out blowing people away I have no idea why you bought it. I am not trying to sound like an idiot...I just think it is a very powerful effect that I along with many others get huge reactions with. You just have to play it up big and let the suspense build. Don't just rush though it. Hope that helps. Just get out there and start playing around with it....you'll like it...trust me.
Sep 1, 2007
It definitely works. Just perform it with confidence and as if you have nothing to hide. Make everything seem completely natural. Those are actually things that you should do with any effect.

I've only performed it a few times, but that's only because I don't usually have a ziplock bag on me. Trust me though, it works when presented correctly.
Dec 17, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
If it didn't work, why would they sell it? And why would there be a video of people reacting like crazy, if it didn't work?

Of course it works. Three months, and you haven't touched it? Gawd, I practised "the move" for a day and then went out and blew people away. You gotta play it up, though, or it'll seem stupid.
OK here is first hand experience:

I got witness... I thought it was an absolutely useless trick being promoted by T11, BUT..... I decided to try this trick jsut a few times. At first, the reactions were not as great as you would expect. OVer time though I changed my patter to suit my school scene and now it is one of my more 'famous tricks" that i get asked to show all the time.

The moral is, try it before you find it useless. Also don't be scared to chage features of the trick to suit your personality or the environment around you. Good luck in future.
Nov 17, 2007
Yeah. I agree with Sleight of Hand. I had the same feeling as him when I first got it. (acually, I figured it out while watching a performence. But, I bought the DVD just to make sure I got it right). When I learned the secret, I really didn't like it. I performed it for my brother (who always can spot my flashes) and it blew him away. So, don't render a trick useless until you go out and try it. You will be surprised how powerful a simple trick like Witness can be. =)
Jan 27, 2008
That is exactly how i feel... that i bought an effect and never used it...i feel stupid....

but i will on my presentation and see how it goes....i mean it is a great effect but i think that my "magician eyes" did not put faith on ie... looked too simple...

but lets us see
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