Worst songs of all time!

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Sep 1, 2007
Heres how this goes, July kicks off a lot of events for Ottawa/Cornwall area. First with the blues fest featuring bands such as the tragically hip, matthew good, and 3 days grace. Then the next weekend is "liftoff" for Cornwall (where i live, Ontario)
its basically a hot air baloon fest, with tons of rides, concerts events etc
Last year we had Tom Cochrane, April Wine, Sas Jordan
this year we have Theory of a Dead Man, Styx and a few others.

On one of the days there is an event called "Liftoff Idol"
basically the same as canadian or american idol, people sing, get judged, win prizes etc

So today at work i came up with this idea, to make a fool of myself.
What i want from as many people as possible, is your picks for 1-3 songs that you absolutely hate, and are disgusted every time you hear it.

I will be gathering songs from many sources (myspace, other forums etc) and getting the most common top 10 songs that people chose that they hate, and will make a massive poll, for all to vote.
The top 2 songs that are voted, i will be attempting to sing (at the best of my ability) at the idol, AND will be video taping it, and subsquently uploading it to youtube for all to see.

So just respond with a few songs that you absolutely hate.

ps- I will be performing magic at both of these events, so look for me if you are attending.
Blues Fest in Ottawa july 7th and 11th
and friday the 12th-sunday at liftoff in Cornwall
Mar 29, 2008
we really need an off topic section, but anyways, the crappiest and most annoying song I have ever heard is soulja boy. I would be embarressed caught listening to it let alone singing it.
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