YouTube Exposure

Sep 12, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland
I have a YouTube account, like most people. I have posted about 20 or so videos, all of magic and some random stuff. I never post exposure videos. But there is a guy on YouTube who is addicted to exposing them. His account name is [removed by moderator to prevent exposure] or something like that. I went on his account and left a comment saying that he should stop exposing magic (but I said it in a different way). Just telling him to stop, and if he didn't I would report him to someone. A few days later I see a new comment on one of my home videos, by the same guy. It said this: "wow ur a loser. notice how u only have one subscriber. ur a loser and that trick sucked. u just threw the coins to each other. u suck at magic and are ruining it more than the ppl who expose it..."

I think this is just plain mean and i am really annoyed. If you agree with me then go onto [link removed by moderator to prevent exposure] and flag all his videos. I'm sorry if i am carrying on a bit I'm just so ANGRY!

Post edited by moderator to remove links to videos containing exposure, and post edited for professionalism/grammar/punctuation.
I do'nt have as big a problem with him as you do, but he IS revealing some pretty big time effects. He has videos that are available only to his subscribers, revealing Fraud, Stigmata, and Awesome Aces. I don't think it's right, but I don't think it's my battle, so i'll try to stay out of it.


Sep 1, 2007
Well... since they only expose "Hard Hitting" effects from DVD's or instant downloads the answer is quite simple.
Read the effect and perform the effects written in books. Because its harder to "get" them (reading isn't very hard, but for those who like everything wrapped in giftpaper it obviously is...), so the most people don't know about them.
Well ok, only the people who got REAL interest in magic know them.
Sep 1, 2007
You're dealing with a person who's both stupid and petulent. He's not worth the emotional effort of hating.
Sep 3, 2007
Im not the person with the exposure account, i just said get over it because theres no point in trying to attack every single person who try's to expose tricks.

Before the link was removed i went and watched the video he linked to, the guy exposing them cannot even perform them properly and his handling of the trick was terrible. He did not even describe the effect properly, i would assume most of his "tutorials" as he calls them are how he thinks they are done, or he learns them and then makes a video on how to do it right away without properly leanring all of the trick.

Basically what im saying is its not worth your time or effort to try and get him shut down, eventually he would just make another account and keep doing it. If anyone actually wants to learn true magic from a quality source then they would come here.
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