YouVimeo media section updates

Jul 23, 2007
New York, NY
Hey all, just wanted to let you know we finished making updates to the media section.


You may have noticed once in a while some videos just wouldn't play for you. And if they did, they were chunky (pixelated). Those were YouTube videos.

Great news is, the videos should now play every time! That bug's been squashed. And on top of that, for most YouTube videos (and probably all in the near future) we serve them in YouTube's new higher quality format, with none of the chunk (like Fast Hands, Fast Cash)!


More rarely we will get a Vimeo submission, but they're much more obvious since we used to have the Vimeo player embedded in the site. Well we just got it rigged so Vimeo videos will now play beautifully in the theory11 media player (like ReduX Sequence -- plug!), giving the site a more consistent look and feel.

That's it for now, but there is a lot more we have on the roadmap to give you guys a better experience. Stay tuned.
Nov 17, 2007
Yes! Thanx guys. My "Relinquish Production Tutorial" was looking BAD. Now, it looks fine. =)
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