Question about Saturday Night Contest

Pete Pridanonda

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2009
I asked this question on this week's SNC "Demonstration of the Mind" but no one reply so I thought I would ask it here. Does it have to be a new upload?
In this week's SNC, no one stated that it has to be a new upload so can we just assume that it can be either or? Thank you in advance.
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Sep 1, 2007
You could just go ahead and submit and see what happens. It's not like there's any real consequence if it turns out to be wrong.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I asked this question on this week's SNC "Demonstration of the Mind" but no one reply so I thought I would ask it here. Does it have to be a new upload?
In this week's SNC, no one stated that it has to be a new upload so can we just assume that it can be either or?

Yes, it has to be a new upload. We have never accepted old uploads as an entry to a contest, so it has to be uploaded after the contest was posted.
Sep 1, 2007
Yes, it has to be a new upload. We have never accepted old uploads as an entry to a contest, so it has to be uploaded after the contest was posted.

I see. Well, that actually diminishes the chance of my trying in the event of another mentalism contest because putting together a video on such short notice brings to mind the phrase "half-assing" which drives me up the wall. I didn't submit this time because I only had my cell phone and the video and audio were absolute crap. There is no way I'm letting something that terrible see the light of day. So yeah... the lack of grace period is a much bigger barrier to entry than you may imagine.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
I see. Well, that actually diminishes the chance of my trying in the event of another mentalism contest because putting together a video on such short notice brings to mind the phrase "half-assing" which drives me up the wall. I didn't submit this time because I only had my cell phone and the video and audio were absolute crap. There is no way I'm letting something that terrible see the light of day. So yeah... the lack of grace period is a much bigger barrier to entry than you may imagine.

I had the same problem before...however this time I got lucky!! I was about to do the show, when I saw the SNC in my cellphone and then I got really happy!!...

Also I have another barrier...language... but that´s another story!!


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
There's a difference between putting up a professional quality video, and having some fun. YouTube has an unlisted video setting so any subscribers won't see your video if you are worried like you mentioned. Think fun, not professional promo video.
Sep 1, 2007
Think fun, not professional promo video.

Apparently this is just my own personal idiosyncrasy but I'm of the belief that fun should not automatically translate to, "I don't have to do a good job, so I won't." I seem to be the only one around here who thinks that completely phoning it in when I know for a fact I'm capable of doing better is not fun.
Apr 17, 2013
Apparently this is just my own personal idiosyncrasy but I'm of the belief that fun should not automatically translate to, "I don't have to do a good job, so I won't." I seem to be the only one around here who thinks that completely phoning it in when I know for a fact I'm capable of doing better is not fun.

It's not fun to phone it in. Also once it is out there on the interwebs it's out there for good. We who making a living with magic do not really need a half-assed video out there of our work. The last thing we need is for a client to google us and find some shaky cellphone video of us that we shot and put on our youtube or vimeo channle.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Apparently this is just my own personal idiosyncrasy but I'ma ef than should not automatically translate to, "I don't have to do a good job, so I won't." I seem to be the only one around here who thinks that completely phoning it in when I know for a fact I'm capable of doing better is not fun.

Indeed it may just be a personality thing. The way I see it, when you are given a challenge to do in a time limit, you must adjust your expectations of what can be accomplished. It's not about being sloppy, but doing the best you can with what you are given. There's a difference. If you always wait for perfection (or don't try because you are afraid of not meeting your expectations), you would get fired from most jobs, or worse, never try much at all. I see it as a risk. A safe one.

For instance my last entry was not great. I wasn't totally happy with it. I tried a new patter that didn't turn out how I had hoped. But it was fun, and I find value in participating.

My dad is a contractor and he used to build us forts as kids. They were not small houses with all the finishing. They don't need to be because they were just for fun. He would build one with us in a morning and then another week we would build another. Fun doesn't need to be perfect. Fun is in the journey.

And as for us working magicians, youtube as I mentioned has great features to keep videos unlisted. Or you can start a new account. But that's barely a reason to not play.
Dec 5, 2009
I seem to be the only one around here who thinks that completely phoning it in when I know for a fact I'm capable of doing better is not fun.

Humility much? Jeez dude, if you could reduce the arrogance by about 98%, that'd be fantastic. Very offputting. Who said anything about phoning anything in? 24 hours is more than enough time, at least for me, to film an uncut performance for friends or strangers, for a contest of the sort. I didn't enter this week due to a family event, but if I was around, I sure as heck would have!

Best of luck to everyone on future events, and congrats to the winners this week. Both performances were strong and well received. Bravo!
Sep 1, 2007
Humility much? Jeez dude, if you could reduce the arrogance by about 98%, that'd be fantastic. Very offputting. Who said anything about phoning anything in?

I hate doing things on short notice. I have a show ready to go tonight, but if I was called up for a last-minute booking to do a show tomorrow night, I'd ask that person if they read the copy where I stated all shows must be reserved no less than 2 weeks in advance? I enjoy the process of putting things together. The writing, rehearsal, performance, and post-production is all fun for me. Blitzing through it in a couple of hours? Not so much. I don't get enough time to get into the groove. It's similar to how I can speed read, but I never do that with a novel because it doesn't give me time to enjoy it.

Of course, all of this is quite beside the point. If I have a really good video that I put up a week ago, calling it illegitimate for a contest that it otherwise meets all the qualifications for just feels arbitrary.

24 hours is more than enough time, at least for me, to film an uncut performance for friends or strangers, for a contest of the sort. I didn't enter this week due to a family event, but if I was around, I sure as heck would have!

Gold star for you.
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