Anyone familiar with An Ha Lim?

Sep 26, 2015
Hello guys,

I recently got interested with cardistry after watching An Ha Lim's video here:

I was very amazed by his stage performance, and after I learned a few sleights of card manipulation from Youtube, I felt more amazed as I cannot believe he did all the moves in a very quick motion.

If anyone have any information about Mr An Ha Lim contacts or videos or tutorials or any sort of news about him, please share the links right here, I find it quite difficult to find his videos or news about his latest performances.
Cardistry? I always thought this was just called 'card manipulation'? But then I'm probably considered pretty old school these days...

Believe it or not I actually saw this guy live a few months back. He's technically superb, though I did wonder how much the lay person audience enjoyed it as it went on for a while.

As far as learning what he does, most of it seems to just be standard card manipulation techniques and probably a couple of decades of practice. Nothing really new so I doubt he has any material out himself.

I learned the standard productions from an Ian Adair book about 15 years ago. I believe Jeff McBride has some card manipulation DVDs which are held in quite high regard so maybe look into them.

One piece of advice: If you want to reach this guy's level, stop learning from YouTube. At the end of the day you get what you pay for and the people who are worth listening to rarely give away all the really great stuff for free.

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Sep 26, 2015
Cardistry? I always thought this was just called 'card manipulation'? But then I'm probably considered pretty old school these days...

Believe it or not I actually saw this guy live a few months back. He's technically superb, though I did wonder how much the lay person audience enjoyed it as it went on for a while.

As far as learning what he does, most of it seems to just be standard card manipulation techniques and probably a couple of decades of practice. Nothing really new so I doubt he has any material out himself.

I learned the standard productions from an Ian Adair book about 15 years ago. I believe Jeff McBride has some card manipulation DVDs which are held in quite high regard so maybe look into them.

One piece of advice: If you want to reach this guy's level, stop learning from YouTube. At the end of the day you get what you pay for and the people who are worth listening to rarely give away all the really great stuff for free.


Hi Rev, thank you for your response. I was able to find Jeff Mc Bride DVD Vol. 1 from a local magic store, can't wait for it to arrive. Very lucky of you to watch Mr An Ha Lim perform live :). Glad to know that he is still active in performing card manipulation. I made more search on him and found out about his DVD here:
I'm still trying to find local shops in my country for his DVD, but still no luck :(. I agree with you, he's a very extraordinary performer, I like his speed and choreography, the choice of music was also good, I'm kinda addicted to it now.
Random spot of the day: Just spotted that An Ha Lim was on the cover of the August 2010 issue of Genii magazine. Not sure if you'll be able to track down a copy, but if you do it's bound to have some sort of biography or interview with him.


Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
No, this isn't cardistry. It's just really intense classical card manipulation. I've been familiar with his work for a few years and I can't stand his style. His skill is impressive but I have never really been entertained.
Sep 26, 2015
No, this isn't cardistry. It's just really intense classical card manipulation. I've been familiar with his work for a few years and I can't stand his style. His skill is impressive but I have never really been entertained.

An Ha Lim's act looks so magical to my eyes at first, but after knowing a few basic sleights , I started to see the "behind the scene" moves, haha. We can actually see how he steal the cards, but still, this act is very unique. People that want to copy his act must have the same agility and charisma as him, which is very hard to gain I think.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
An Ha Lim's act looks so magical to my eyes at first, but after knowing a few basic sleights , I started to see the "behind the scene" moves, haha. We can actually see how he steal the cards, but still, this act is very unique. People that want to copy his act must have the same agility and charisma as him, which is very hard to gain I think.
To each their own. I prefer this small piece of Lance Burton's card manipulation to Ah Ha Lim. I like Lance's casual manner and the simplicity of his act. The pace varies and he gives the audience time to process what is happening.

His manipulation starts at 4:18

Then there's the unmatched skill and style of Cardini who I also prefer. I my eyes this is incredibly magical even after you completley understand every aspect of the act.

Sep 26, 2015
Sent an email to IBM to ask about An Ha Lim latest info, got a reply. Hope to receive some respond from Mr. An Ha Lim, got a lot of questions to ask ;)

an ha lim IBM.png
Feb 14, 2012
I'm quite familiar with his work. He has a DVD out called "Monster 1980". Called that because he has the nickname "Monster" from many manipulation magicians, since I believe he has a total of 500 cards produced in his act, compared to the average manipulation magician's 200-300. 1980, because that's the year color TV came out in Korea, and he's one of the first manipulators to use color cards in his act. Comes in two DVDs. Origin, and Root. Root is going to be some basics taught, while Origin is his original material. He mostly focuses on multi-productions with one hand, which is what colored cards are good for. His material is pretty knuckle-busting, particularly his "Rainbow Falls", but very rewarding. However, I don't suggest starting with it.

If you are looking for other good card manipulation DVD's, Jeff McBride's "Art of Card Manipulation" is usually the standard. However, in terms of the modern stuff, Lee Ang Hsuan has some more interesting things in his "Evolution of Card Manipulation". Mike Chao's "The Green Act" is pretty cool too.

However, many Korean magicians have seemed to dominated this particular area of magic. If you want more fast-paced stuff, Kim Hyun Joon's UNVEIL goes over some cool stuff (plus some ball manipulation as a bonus). For more classical moves, Kim Hyun Soo's "Professional", and Lukas' "Artist Visual" has some great material. Of course, what I've been obsessed with recently has been Yu Ho Jin's (FISM 2012's World Champion) "1%" is really impressive stuff.

All in all, my suggestion of what to get would be (in order):

One) Jeff McBride's "Art of Card Manipulation"
Two) Lee Ang Hsuan's "Evolution of Card Manipulation" or Kim Hyun Soo's "Professional"
Three) An Ha Lim's "Monster 1980"
Four) Yu Ho Jin's "1%"


~ Someone who's obsessed with Card Manipulation

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Ok...I have seen this act before... while I think is a great example of tecnique and dedication... it gets boring by the minute 2... there is no suprises and everything is the same... just cards and cards and more cards... I thought he was going to produce something big at the end...but meh...

If you wanna see a great manipulation routine, with lots of surprises and great ending...check this one out...

Oct 20, 2015
I made a whole collection of youtube videos. I saved the links, I'll get back to you with them once I find them
Jul 30, 2015
An Ha Lim's performance is stellar. Anyone knocking it has got to be simply jealous. It's incredibly entertaining.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
An Ha Lim's performance is stellar. Anyone knocking it has got to be simply jealous. It's incredibly entertaining.

He definateley has skill but there are other performers that I prefer. There are a TON of card manipulators out there, I had a 5 minute card manipulation routine when I was first starting out. An Ha Lim has skill for sure but there are other aspects that I personally give more value to.

I prefer simplicity. Simplicity in effect, routine and execution.

I also prefer story to skill. Cardini is caught in a drunken stupor when these pesky cards keep showing up. Lance Burton is using his performance to pay homage to Harry Houdini. I'm no sure about the story or reason he is producing the cards.

Luis Vega mentioned that he appreciates surprise and that An Ha Lim lacks any real surprise.

We aren't jealous, I just prefer other routines. Why do you prefer An Ha Lim to someone like Jeff Mcbride, Cardini, Lance Burton or Peter Marvey?
Jul 30, 2015
We aren't jealous, I just prefer other routines. Why do you prefer An Ha Lim to someone like Jeff Mcbride, Cardini, Lance Burton or Peter Marvey?

What you prefer is one thing. What entertains you is another. There is no reason to knock Lim's performance. He did a great job. And his performance is entertaining. Perhaps you weren't entertained, but it doesn't follow that his performance wasn't entertaining. All that I've said is compatible with you doing a better job. And I'm not saying that I prefer Lim's routine to others. Too many magicians are far too critical.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
What you prefer is one thing. What entertains you is another. There is no reason to knock Lim's performance. He did a great job. And his performance is entertaining. Perhaps you weren't entertained, but it doesn't follow that his performance wasn't entertaining. All that I've said is compatible with you doing a better job. And I'm not saying that I prefer Lim's routine to others. Too many magicians are far too critical.

I prefer the others because they are more entertaining to me. Was his performance impressive in my opinion? Yes. Does that make it entertaining. No.

I didn't find his performance to be entertaining. I'm not sure what is entertaining in his performance.

That said, I'm sorry we don't agree but it's okay right? We don't have to like the same kind of magic, or think the same way.
Last edited:
Jul 30, 2015
That said, I'm sorry we don't agree but it's okay right? We don't have to like the same kind of magic, or think the same way.

That's totally OK. I'd distinguish between a performance being entertaining to ones-self and entertaining-t0-most. And I'd say that Lim's performance is entertaining-to-most. I know you don't think his performance is entertaining-to-yourself. I do think it is entertaining-to-most. That said, and we might be in total agreement here, if I don't find a trick entertaining-to-myself I won't be interested in performing it. But I think you may be thinking more like an accomplished magician than a layman. Alternatively, perhaps you prefer tricks which involve interesting stories.

You final sentence is spot on. We don't have to like the same kind of magic or think the same way! Disagreement is just fine. And if we end up agreeing to disagree, that's just fine too.
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