Unpopular opinions


Nov 29, 2017
I wanted to create this because I wanted to see some interesting unpopular opinions in the magic community.

For instance I don’t like cups and balls and think that it should evolve or we should stop performing it.

@RealityOne dont ban me plz I know you love cups and balls

What are some that you guys have.
Oct 19, 2015
CJ....I would say you have not spent much time learning about cups and balls! I have seen it performed where it absolutely amazed me...all good magic, regardless how simple, can be exploded into new dimensions by a talented magical artist! Many of these routines are the best of the best….


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
CJ, I feel what you're saying. There was a time for myself, I thought linking ring magic was hokey and belonged next to the fake poop and fly in the ice cube prank.
However, I saw Mr. O'Brien perform his version of the linking rings and I was floored. Also, very wrong lol
It definitely takes the right person and right performance to make something seem magical again.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I wanted to create this because I wanted to see some interesting unpopular opinions in the magic community.

For instance I don’t like cups and balls and think that it should evolve or we should stop performing it.

@RealityOne dont ban me plz I know you love cups and balls

What are some that you guys have.
Perhaps you should watch this version by Yann Frisch :)


Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
I don't like most performances of the linking rings and cups and balls. I also find the classic force to be overrated and the cross cut force to be underrated. Just my opinions.
Oct 2, 2018
wow, that video is awesome. Perhaps we're so spoiled, and have too high of expectations, that ^ this type of magic doesn't delight us. I'm a big kid at heart so I love anything magic, as long as it's well done. Classics are classics for a reason, it should not be up to us to decide when to retire something. Over the top disappearing elephants don't impress me, good card magic does.


Nov 29, 2017
The effect can be done beautifully by some however I just think its to dated for me and doesn’t have a place in my repertoire and performance style.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I just think its to dated for me and doesn’t have a place in my repertoire and performance style.

That's fair, and it's important to know what suits you and what doesn't.

But I do want to say - Generally speaking, it's the presentations that get dated, not the trick itself.

Cups and balls is good to study because it's one of the few tricks that teaches you everything you need to know to be a good magician. It teaches you about routine structure, misdirection, cover, how to build to surprises, as well as how to handle pure sleight of hand.
Oct 19, 2015
Like any 'art form' to learn the art it is best to learn the fundamentals first! Then around 10,000 hours of practice/performance later, you can be a Master...


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
Ooh, another unpopular opinion: Mixing magic and mentalism in a show.

And liking Criss Angel. (just heard that his magic show is apparently good now!)

His last show was really good. Can't wait to see the new one. He's doing meet and greets as well. So excited! lol

Seth Hughes

Elite Member
Jun 21, 2018
Here’s an unpopular opinion. I hate all packet tricks. They are ridiculous to me. It seems fake at the core of it. I mean who carry’s around seven queen of hearts just randomely in their deck unless they are gaffed in some way. I hate them all.

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Oh, I got a couple regarding prop magic:

- Magicians who say "prop magic is bad because they look odd and figure they can buy it at a magic shop."
Really, now?
Anybody who can put together, "I can buy that at a magic shop" has the same capacity to go, "deck of cards, magic shop. Got it!"
When was the last time anyone, outside of your Great Great Great Nana, used half-dollars and silver dollars unironically?
Rope is uncommon to see outside of a Home Depot.
Sit-down card games are a slowly dying pasttime, meaning that people are more likely to look at a deck of cards and go "if you have a deck of cards, that means you can do card tricks".

- Magicians who say, "You won't get people on board with a presentation with prop magic. They look like toys."

I'm willing to put safe money on the idea that the people who say this are doing what David refers to as, "the adventures of the props"; they are seemingly performed, knowingly or not, as a DEMONSTRATION. A lot of prop magic is self-working and easy to do, which means you can spend more brain power on creating a presentation and creating immersion.

I know prop magic isn't for everyone. I'm confident that there's at least 1 or 2 out there that anyone in this forum could look at and go, "that would be fun to work with". But to go, "they are terrible to perform with/no one will like your presentation/they are toys" is absolutely lazy and hypocritical considering what props MANY magicians use for their acts.

It's all about performance and presentation.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I @RealityOne dont ban me plz I know you love cups and balls

Did I ever tell you about when I tended bar while in law school?

Many have the opinion that the “Chinese Linking Rings” are boring and no one is fooled by them. I laugh when I hear magicians say this ;)

I've had a spectator come up to me an comment about how I have the "real" version of the linking rings because the one they had as a kid had a slit cut into the rings.

Ooh, another unpopular opinion: Mixing magic and mentalism in a show.

Just don't do it. You can't go from cups and balls to mind reading and expect the audience to believe that the mind reading is anything other than a trick.

Here’s an unpopular opinion. I hate all packet tricks. They are ridiculous to me. It seems fake at the core of it. I mean who carry’s around seven queen of hearts just randomely in their deck unless they are gaffed in some way. I hate them all.

One word: John Bannon

His last show was really good.

Was that meant to be an unpopular opinion?

Almost all problems that magicians have in performances are their own faults.

The most unpopular but correct opinion.
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Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Magicians who say "prop magic is bad because they look odd and figure they can buy it at a magic shop.".

Any idea where you would get this?


I'm willing to put safe money on the idea that the people who say this are doing what David refers to as, "the adventures of the props"; they are seemingly performed, knowingly or not, as a DEMONSTRATION. A lot of prop magic is self-working and easy to do, which means you can spend more brain power on creating a presentation and creating immersion.

I know prop magic isn't for everyone. I'm confident that there's at least 1 or 2 out there that anyone in this forum could look at and go, "that would be fun to work with". But to go, "they are terrible to perform with/no one will like your presentation/they are toys" is absolutely lazy and hypocritical considering what props MANY magicians use for their acts.

It's all about performance and presentation.

That reminds me when I used to use a drawer box and ball vase as part of a show. I found a way to use them that the adults in the room who had them as kids toys were scratching their heads as to how I did what I did.
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