Bicycle decks with double backs.

Dec 27, 2019
So im still new to cardistry, but ive gotten a few packs of bikes with a double back, but it doesn't seem like there is a rhyme or reason to which packs have them. Ive got them in the grey riders and the frosted deck, but ones i would think would have them like the stargazers and the dragons don't. Is it just (pardon the pun) luck of the draw?
Dec 27, 2019
Found my answer, mostly. I picked up a deck at wally world that had a double back. I know now i want rider backs, but this one isn't marked so. th


Also, other bicycle decks I've got with double backs have a color difference on one side. Is at a thing? Thanks again for any info.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I know now i want rider backs, but this one isn't marked so. th

Typically, only decks marketed to magicians have double backed cards. For mass market decks, such as Bicycle and Tally-Ho, you need to separately purchase the double backed cards from a magic shop (online or in-person). You may be able to get single cards, complete decks of double backed card or a gaff deck which contains double backed cards. You can also make your own through card splitting.

Also, other bicycle decks I've got with double backs have a color difference on one side. Is at a thing? Thanks again for any info.

Do you mean that it has one color back on one side (say red) and another color on the other side (say blue) or a back with the deck you purchased on one side and a standard red bicycle on the other? If so, that is a specific type of gaff card.

If there are color differences where one side is a different shade than the other that is probably a printing defect.
Mar 15, 2018
Typically, only decks marketed to magicians have double backed cards. For mass market decks, such as Bicycle and Tally-Ho, you need to separately purchase the double backed cards from a magic shop (online or in-person).
That may have been true at one time, but I don't think it's true anymore today.

USPCC produced decks (e.g. Bicycle) typically have 56 cards as a standard. So besides a 52 pack and 2 Jokers, there are 2 extra cards. Many designers of custom decks now include gaff cards, like a double backer. So even many decks that are geared to collectors may include a double backer.

Playing card designers are getting smart, and trying to get some cross-over to make their decks appeal to magicians, even if they aren't the primary audience. I have a lot of custom decks produced by USPCC that are for collectors, and also have gaff cards like a double backer.

As kthrzne says, it just depends on what the creator decides to do with their extra 2 cards.
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