Does anyone have a Secret Tannery wallet? If so, what do you think of it?

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
I've been looking for a decent peek wallet to use as my every day wallet for awhile now and keep bouncing between different options but most of them don't seem suited to being used as a real wallet. The few that I have found aren't really my style or I don't like the peek.

The one I keep coming back to is the Hi-Jak wallet by Secret Tannery. It seems like it's really good quality, it has a compartment for bills (yes I'm 22 and still carry cash lol), and I like the Jaks type peek. However, I can't find a single review of it anywhere. There's reviews of their other wallets but not this one.

I was just wondering if anyone has specifically Hi-Jak wallet but I'd love to hear your opinion on any wallets from Secret Tannery that you own. If you do own one, what do you think of it?

Thanks Everyone!
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Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
Did you ever purchase the Hi-Jak Wallet and if you did, did you like it?
I did purchase it and I did like it for the most part.

I liked that the peek was simple. The wallet was functional and held everything I needed it to without feeling bulky.

I was a bit disappointed with the craftsmanship. It sometimes felt a bit cheap. I've since switched to Jeff Prace's Passenger Wallet and like it a lot more.
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