Recent content by detective6

  1. detective6

    Help! Elite Member Initiative

    I think the best and most realistic reward system (at least initially) would be a combination of MrHurley's and NAugeard's suggestions. Maybe as you increase the benefits of being an elite member you could add tiers (like how ~Ryan Fox~ mentioned). * Small elite member discount (excludes newly...
  2. detective6

    What deck are you using today?

    I'm using a new-ish deck of Bicycle JUMBO for learning new tricks and practicing them in front of friends/family. I'm using an old pack of Bicycle Black Tigers when I'm practicing a particular index method. And I'm using an old pack of Bicycle Ghosts for learning card manipulation.
  3. detective6

    How do you keep your magic notes?

    I use Evernote for taking notes on pretty much everything.
  4. detective6

    Defining "Limited"

    That seems about right. If people knew it was only that many, it may have sold out even faster. The one problem I see with putting the totals is that because of the lack of information, it gives everyone a chance to trade in their points instead of just those who happen to be sitting on the...
  5. detective6

    Defining "Limited"

    I was really interested in the Remix Booklet, but sadly I didn't have enough points. I'm also interested in knowing the total quantities of these collectible items. If I had enough points, knowing whether an item is one of 100 - 500 - 1000 would definitely affect my decision on whether to spend...
  6. detective6


    I'd like to see some T-Shirt options. Maybe around 2500 points?
  7. detective6

    I want to know your opinion

    I'm personally not a huge fan of the recent mobile phone illusion fad. Some of them are marketable; however, I don't believe this one is. Gestures are pretty popular in mobile phones now. And if this trick is done how I think it is, then there's no "magic" being done here. It's not going to blow...
  8. detective6

    Elite Points Piggy Bank

    I've got about 2500 points right now. I'd rather buy something from the archive than use them for a discount, personally. I'm hoping they add some T-Shirts or other clothing items.
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