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  • I'm debating on the suit. I can do khakis but I do not feel very professional in just a polo. They are paying me $150 for a half hour surprise party. It will be parlour / close up style for 16 guests. Maybe I'll show up in the suit...take off the jacket and then just roll up my sleeves on the shirt.
    yea i heard the bad news.
    You give some people an inch, they take a mile. . .
    Gig - niice- what for?
    You need to dress in a suit in the heat? That might be a little much. If it's not a wedding or anything, I'd try chackies and a nice collared shirt.
    What's going on Rick?,
    how's things going with your wife? Hope she's doing well.
    Thanks for the B-day message, been off the site for a while, would love to chat once in a while if you don't mind. Everyone here seems so critical and unwilling to welcome newcomers. Thank you for the message!
    yeah..teachers love days off too but it sucks trying to get lesson plans done for a sub. It is easier just to suck it up and be there.
    Nice. well not nice, but days off are alright. well at least when you are a stuent. not sure about a teacher. but i do know snow days are nice!
    ha ha...i'm at home with my sick son. So...I'm grading papers and catching up on some Theory 11...ha ha.
    I swear we're twins. (You better take that as a compliment. ;)) I just read that you are an Eagle Scout. I became one back in August. Now I rarely show up to the meetings mainly because I hate everyone in my troop. Actually, I would had quit several years ago if my parents let me. Now I plan on just going sometimes out of respect, despite the fact that everyone there is a douche. (/rant)

    I'm also planning to major in English when I go to college. Hope to be a secondary English teacher possibly. ;)

    That seems like a big leap, especially with the economy and stuff. If you were though maybe you should slowly rise up the prices, like $110, then $120, ect ect Idk just a thought
    trying to get more small stage shows and close up shows also. And practicing my presentation and patter. Also good luck with your show
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