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  • Your youtube videos are the best!!! You've inspired many magicians and I owe you a thank you for taking my magic a step further. Thanks man! :)
    I just have to tell you that you are my inspiration. I truely admire that you live sober and I've adopted that lifestyle for myself. The first video I saw of yours was you hour long biography-like one and I was blown away. I've always been the weird fat kid but through magic I was able to perform and be accepted for my entire english class and get the best reactions I've ever gotten with only my quantumbandits routine and jokers lightning routine. I love your videos and you keep me going. Never stop perform Jarek, lots of people beleive and look up to you. Be inspired to learn, aspire to disturb and alway... rise above.
    Hey :) Jarek! I'm a massive fan of ur videos! they really helped me with getting into magic :) keep up the great work!!! haha i was at a beach yesterday and i was performing at around 28 people but i forgot to record it for the 25k comp >_< uuuuggh the reactions were so priceless!
    Hey :) I just wanted you to know that I am a huge fan of your videos. Keep up the good work :D
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