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  1. Christen

    Welcome to the NEW theory11 Forums!

    Really digging the new layout!
  2. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl XLVIII

    What's going on guys! Hope you're having a fantastic week! As most of you know, the Super Bowl is tomorrow. People from all over the country and the world will try and predict the outcome of the game - who will win and what the final score will be. That will be the basis of the challenge this...
  3. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - Defying Gravity

    Hey everyone! We have an extra special contest this week inspired by the movie Gravity. Thanks to Sir Isaac Newton, we know that gravity is the force of attraction between two bodies as a function of their mass and distance. Definitions aside, gravity is the force that binds us to Earth and...
  4. Christen

    theory11 Customer Service

    Hey everyone! We really appreciate your kind words and support. We're always here to help!
  5. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest: Animal Kingdom Predict

    Hey guys! Hope you all are having an excellent start to the weekend! Right before I started writing the contest, I wrote the name of a random animal down on a piece of paper. The challenge this week is rather simple. Your job is to be the first person to correctly predict the animal that I...
  6. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest: Card Throwing

    Hey everyone! In our latest episode of Expose, Andrei teased at an upcoming project that revolves around Card Throwing. We're super excited to be working on it and we thought it would be fun to give you all a challenge! The challenge for this week is simple: you have 60 seconds to throw and...
  7. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - The Art of Card Throwing

    Before we announce this weeks winner, we want to say thanks again for entering and showing off your rad card throwing skills! You guys seriously rock! There were so many awesome entries that made it a really close contest. This weeks winner is Pav knocking bottle caps off of bottles with cards...
  8. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - The Art of Card Throwing

    Hey everyone, thanks for rockin' out such awesome submissions! It's so great to see everyone's card throwing talent! This contest is now closed. We'll be reviewing your videos shortly and will post a winner as soon as we can.
  9. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - The Art of Card Throwing

    Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a great week! The new film, Now You See Me, is going to be released in theaters on May 31st - and we're super excited! In the film, Jack (played by Dave Franco) is a pickpocket - but also a card throwing expert. This week, we want to use that as inspiration...
  10. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - Valentine's Magic 2013

    Thank you all for entering and inspiring us with your amazing Valentine's themed magic! This was a really tough contest to judge; everyone's entries were really well done and very unique. Without further ado... this weeks winner is: AlexVM! You can watch his Valentine's magic here...
  11. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - Valentine's Magic 2013

    Hey everyone, hope you're having a great weekend! Valentine's Day is this week. Love is in the air! Your challenge this week is to create an effect or routine that has a Valentine's Day theme. To get inspiration, take a look at Patrick Kun's brilliant Valentine's Day videos on YouTube to get...
  12. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest: Superbowl Prediction v3

    Thank you all for submitting! What a game! We do have a winner who guessed the score accurately. Congratulations to skeryliuk14 for predicting the score perfectly! You will receive a football signed by theory11, as well as a mixed brick of our three latest decks: Artisans, Animal Kingdom, and...
  13. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest: Superbowl Prediction v3

    The contest is CLOSED! We'll award a winner shortly. Stay Tuned!
  14. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest: Superbowl Prediction v3

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! This time last year, something truly incredible happened. Beauty and the Beast came out in 3D. Just kidding. But seriously - this time last year, we held our second annual Superbowl Prediction. Tonight will be the third. The challenge tonight is simple...
  15. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - Not Magic, But Magical

    Thank you all for the AMAZING submissions! It was so courageous of all of you to share with us. You were all outstanding and we really enjoyed the plethora of incredible and varied talents. So give yourselves a huge round of applause! It was so difficult to decide because we're not basing the...
  16. Christen

    Saturday Night Contest - Not Magic, But Magical

    Hey everyone! This week, it's not about the magic but instead, we're interested in your other talents and inspiring each other with new and creative ideas. As magicians and/or cardists, we draw inspiration from everything around us. Inspiration can come from architecture or new genres of...
  17. Christen

    Saturday Night Roundtable - Christen & Rob!

    Thank you everyone for the awesome questions and thank you to Rob and JB for a great podcast! Rocked it out! Now I know Rob makes girls cry :) kidding, great story Rob!
  18. Christen

    Exposé :: Christen Gerhart :: Discuss!

    Hey all! Thanks for the intro Zach! I'm excited to be part of the theory11 team and I'm looking forward to meeting and talking with everyone. Exposé is an awesome show that I'm glad to be a part of and I can't wait to film more episodes. Thank you all for the fantastic feedback! Keep...
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