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  1. Luis Vega

    My Wife does magic for Ingress

    What is ingress??
  2. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Technomagic 2013

    Here my entry... sorry for the corny perfomance, I spent sometime trying to find someone that spoke english...but no luck, so my brother that has seen all my magic agreed to help me...anyway I hope you enjoy...
  3. Luis Vega

    If you could...

    That´s it?...I mean..having the power to do anything you chose a backpack that you can make yourself?...and only for street magic?...what a waste... I would certainly make an infinity box...or a teleporter...
  4. Luis Vega

    Who is your favorite magician or entertainer?

    Lance Burton, Jeff McBride, Criss Angel...and Tommy Wonder...
  5. Luis Vega

    Restaurant Magic

    I agree that his advice is a little bit difficult to understand..but..and he comes the big BUT...bigger than JLO´ that from the moment I started following his advice..I started to charge a lot more for my gigs...and I get more high end clients... The video does look a little bit...
  6. Luis Vega

    Restaurant Magic

    I think Benji´s book is a great book on restaurant magic...but to be honest is for more advanced magicians....let me explain... As I understand you are starting out...I´ve doing restaurant magic for some years I don´t do restaurant magic in order to get tips...or money...I do it...
  7. Luis Vega

    Saturday Night Contest - Animal Kingdom Lotto

    3c, 7h, kd 4h, as, qd 9d, 3h, ks
  8. Luis Vega

    Lance Burton Is Cheesy

    Maybe he had a bad day...
  9. Luis Vega

    Newbie from New Jersey

    is magic one of your hobbies? don´t mention anything of the sort...
  10. Luis Vega

    Magic Contests... useful or not?

    Hello everyone!! I have another matter that concerns me in my magic club!!... The point on the matter...FISM, Flasoma and other magic contests...are they really important for a magician? Most of the magicians in the club are convinced that in order to be a good magician you have to win...
  11. Luis Vega

    Very Basic Outline to a Show / Performance

    Great notes!!... I think they are short..but very helpful..of course there is a lot of subtetlies there...but the essence is that...I think everyone could benefit from writing this down...and then puting the routine names at the side of each of the points you make... Thanks my man!!!
  12. Luis Vega

    Elegance or Sloppiness?

    It should be "normaleness"
  13. Luis Vega

    Cardistry Showdown - Zach vs. Mario and Krist

    I think it was good...but as William said...don´t know where the VS concept is...anyway..some nice flourishing!!
  14. Luis Vega

    Making The Audience Laugh...

    Or Not.. Hello everyone!! So...I am part of the magic circle here in my city...I am indeed one of the founders, and we have almost a year of being together and doing shows together (Journal pretty soon!!) and while I really enjoy it...there is something I have noticed...let me expose the...
  15. Luis Vega

    Wayne Houchin injured in attack

    From the Magic Wayne wrote it... "Some facts: 1) We participated in a short interview during which I performed Thread, BJ presented a gift to the host & my wife helped to translate. 2) After the performances, the host said that he wanted to give us a "blessing." He asked BJ...
  16. Luis Vega

    Birthday Party Gig Advice - I should have known

    Another advice is that you should ask the client that it must not be other things besides the show, like a band playing, food serving, piñata..etc...I hate when people gets distracted in your show because the client didn´t take care of those things...and I also hate in private adult parties when...
  17. Luis Vega

    Why should we bother learning the history of magic

    mmm...It´s a little tricky...I do know some about magic´s history...but when I perform to strangers I NEVER give credit or say where you can learn it...anyway...I think is great you learn that... Also...I wouldn´t insist if they don´t want to learn each it´s can tell them once...
  18. Luis Vega

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    So... here is a was posted by Craig in another forum or I think also here... The books there are awesome and very cheap...but not because they are cheap, are worthless... you can buy them there for around 4 bucks each...and you´ll have...
  19. Luis Vega

    It Happened Tonight! Be Ready...

    I think that you did the right thing...there are some things we cannot be prepared least you showed up, which is great instead of giving up and not going... About the restaurarnt...what kind of food do they serve to take more that 20 minutes to make? did they went to fish the food to...
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