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  1. Rev

    A new card magic blog

    Great first few entries! I got over needing the 'latest and greatest' effects a long time ago. Now days I spend my time searching through books and old magazines/periodicals for ideas and effects that people have long since forgotten about, so your blog is right up my street. If you ever want...
  2. Rev

    Beginner to coin magic, quick question about palming.

    The one on the website looks more like a back palm to me. I'm not a coin guy, but having had a quick flick through Bobo, it looks more like the 'Back Finger Clip' which is on pg 7, of the edition I have. Rev
  3. Rev

    Playing with a classic

    Hi All This is my handling of Roy Walton’s classic ‘Oil and Queens” effect. The original is a classic for a reason and is a beautifully constructed piece of magic. I’ve seen a lot of alternative handlings over the years but none have ever been quite as good as the original. The only one...
  4. Rev

    Anyone familiar with An Ha Lim?

    Cardistry? I always thought this was just called 'card manipulation'? But then I'm probably considered pretty old school these days... Believe it or not I actually saw this guy live a few months back. He's technically superb, though I did wonder how much the lay person audience enjoyed it as it...
  5. Rev

    Where I can found tutorials on these tricks?

    That's really bad form. Unless you buy an effect, you have no right to perform it. 'Unable' is not the right word. 'Unwilling' or 'Impatient' seems more appropriate. Also, did you even read the link i sent you? This is for an EBOOK, not a physical book! Rev
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